What was BMW thinking??

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May 12, 2009
Is it just me or does this look a decade or two old? I usually like BMWs styling too.

2011 Bmw F800R


it's a great idea i'm not a bmw guy but they're competing with triumphs new 800 tiger. and its a great touring market
I had a 2007 BMW K1200R and everytime I looked at it I couldn't help but think it was the UGLIEST thing i'd ever seen . It sure was fast though ! BMWs are unique looking to say the least.
Most of the bikes sold now are either crotch rockets or cruiser/touring bikes, and I bet a lot of people would like like a bike that wasn't either. Honda is coming out with a new air cooled 1100 next year. Its a retro bike in every sense.
Its pretty ugly, but I think it looks good for a bmw. It looks like a few other naked bmws I've seen only from the side it looks like they stuck a triumph flyscreen on it.
i kind of agree with upthemaiden, its ugly, but BMW has made more ugly bikes before.

my best friends dad has a magna just like that one! its def a powerful bike!!!

and Brian, what is that?!
Kinda like saying: For a fat girl, she doesnt sweat much.

Haha, it's about readjusting your perspective. The same girl who would be a 2 out of 10 somewhere like Miami would probably be an 8 out of 10 here in Pittsburgh. If you stare at enough BMW motorcycles for too long, just about anything can start to look good.

The more I look at the bike above, the more I think it just looks like a copy of of the street triple. For being such an 'innovative' company, I think BMW has been stealing a lot of designs lately. It's been around long enough that I don't notice it anymore but when I first saw the s1000rr, all I could see was 4-5 other bikes who's styling they ripped off. They must've spent so much of the budget on the motor and chassis that when it came to designing the bodywork they paid some guy $30 to google a couple other bikes and photoshop it all together, make one of the headlights bigger than the other, and call it your own.
I dunno if BMW steals designs, but David Robb (head of design) couldn't pen an attractive bike if Tamburini did 90% of the work.
Looks cheap for a BMW, and that little jump was'nt impressive. If they are trying trying to compete with Triumphs Tiger I think they missed the mark.

That was a nice looking BMW. Even better looking with the belly pan (which is oddly missing).