What's a fair price for dropped bike?

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Mar 8, 2013
I have a 2009 Buell 1125r with 13,450 miles. Great condition maintenance wise. It's been put down in the past and has some pretty bad scratches on the stator. What's a fair price for something like this? Nada guides say this bike is worth $3,400 in poor condition. I have it priced at $3,800 on craigslist and I'm expecting it could probably sell for $3,000 area.

Have any pics?

<a href="http://imgur.com/ZdE51kc"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZdE51kc.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

<a href="http://imgur.com/WASTWRQ"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/WASTWRQ.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

<a href="http://imgur.com/jQRByBY"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/jQRByBY.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

<a href="http://imgur.com/5ipLCgc"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5ipLCgc.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>


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People just aren't buying 1125.
no reason not to, when you think about 140hp bike w torque to match liter bikes
but they just aren't talked about much.

Just had conversation with a fairly big Harley Davidson player & he was shocked I owned a few 1125.
we never see them on the street around here, I've only seen a handful of XB outside of mine
People just aren't buying 1125.

THIS. Unless you really need the money, you are better off to just keep the bike. Seriously. Since EBR went into receivership prices and demand for these bikes have PLUMMETED. Once/if EBR picks back up, then the prices and desire may as well, I dunno. In my area showroom 1125's are lucky to fetch $4000 right now.

You could get asking price out of the bike if you were willing to part it out and sit on it. At the moment there is plenty of demand for the parts. As long as EBR is still out and Shortly Harley will cease production of stupidly expensive OEM material, used parts will be like gold.

Buells have the worst resale. The worst. Nada & Bluebook values aren't really good things to go by. They can give you ballpark numbers but worth is a very relative thing.

Just my $0.02. Keep it. Or trade it for something you know you can sell.
Hmmm. I have a guy offering $2k. I might bite at that. I'm just so paranoid the stator or something major is going to take a dump and then I have a paperweight.
Seriously??? 2k???? You're just going to give it away????

Your stator is going to take a dump regardless. That's a given. These bike crash better than any other bike that I have ever been on aside from the old Honda tanks. I should know, I drove mine off a ******* mountain at almost 60mph. If you're that scared of it and want it gone that bad, put a $3500 price tag on it here. Or sell it to paul.
The stator and the fix for the stator seem fairly simple. An 1125 is a high revving, high performance motorcycle. Almost all bikes of this caliber have charging issues. Look through liter bike forums and you'll find threads similar to the ones on this site about stator and clutch repairs. I think the short life of liter bike stators has something to do with the small compact size of the charging system, the demand of said system and the heat generated by a motor the revs to 13k or 15k.
I'm an xb guy and I wish I had the dough to pick up a cheap 1125r or CR. I'd jump at one of $2k! That's just ridiculous. And please I'm not trying to be offensive. One thing you have to take into consideration is the demographic you're dealing with. The fact is that the majority of the people that buy sport bikes have no clue what they are buying. They just know what is popular and what the spec sheet says. They know what they see in the magazines. It's rare you find someone that has a clue about what a Buell or EBR bike is.
Hell, half the squids buying and selling sport bikes have not idea that the valves need to be adjusted at specific intervals, the coolant needs to be flushed, the forks have a rebuild intervals and so forth and so on.
The market is filled with uninformed buyers.
That's just my thoughts on the subject. You should as AT LEAST 4k for your bike and go from there.
That's my 2 cents.
I agree with the guys, 2k is too low to sell that bike for. You can definitely do better! I was recently following the market for bikes before buying my X1, you should get a lot more than 2k. : )
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