What's it worth to the buell community? Just curious.

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
Not really planning on selling my bike (I don't think)but really want to see what buell minded folks would give for it. So. ... 07 xb12x almost 12000 miles up to date maintenence. Ebr ecm, d&d, "out doors man" top and Side cases. Rss, breather re-route, stt rear shock to lower the rear 3/4", factory low seat, gpr stabilizer.
Please feel free to give me some legit numbers in a hypothetical world that you're looking for a uly.

I've been shopping these on CL for a parts/project bike to my Buell. I have seen some in range of miles and year go for 4K. Missed and 06 for 2.9k, no bags, and am looking at a higher mileage 06 with bags asking $3.5k. Buell bikes are pretty cheap these days.
If it was a 08-10 I might be interested, your bike should be worth $5000 easy with all the extras, I'm sure if you post it for sale on here it would go quick, just my opinion.
your bike should be worth $5000 easy with all the extras,

man id hope at least that... its crazy how little my ULY is likely worth compared to whats invested! Well keep the (hypothetical) offers coming fellas, dont think i could ever sell it for less than 6000, i honestly dont know if i could ever bring myself to sell it... it is tough around here CHi-town, i know buell guys like a bargain so its a hard sale round here!! oh well, another pic....
2014-08-30 07.49.09.jpg
It's my experience that the forums for each specific bike type will always have the best deals and the most honest pricing. They have the most knowledgeable, biggest fan-base for the type of bike. The members will chime in if someone is way out of market/reality.

If you want top dollar for your ride try e-bay, or god-forbid even craigslist. You will reach a much bigger audience, even though they are usually broke-ass idiots:(

Ron Earp is right, I believe that Buells are currently way undervalued. Blame what you want, bad press, uninformed people, niche bike... whatever. I like them and buy them cheap, knowing the re-sale will be cheap too. It's worth it for me:)

It's a really nice Uly. How expensive is it too keep? You can make excuses to ride it, or you can make excuses not too;) Plan a trip, and go!
I can't believe it - there's an 08 decked out XT (GPS, Madstad, etc) on CList in my area for $3500. Granted, it has 45,000 on the odo, but I paid SO DAMN much for my 09 about a year ago (2X that 08 $3500 price tag, though only 3,500 on the odo), that I can't imagine EVER selling it for any kind of "profit". I bought it because I wanted it, and the fact that I was getting what I really wanted was worth some extra, non-refundable funds. I had sold my 06 Uly in favor of an 09 Ss and immediately missed the comfort of that 06 X. I told myself if I ever found an 09+ UlyX w/low miles I'd try to go for it. Wouldn't you know it, about two months later I found it. If you love your Uly, you'll probably miss the hell out of it as soon as it's gone. Yours has a pretty unique paint job too..There's nothing else like them out there. Don't sell because you're looking to land in the black on your investment. Sell only because you need the money. That's my vibe, at least. Good luck with your decision.
I do love my uly, (especially out on the highway), I've been considering a harley bagger,as a second bike actually. Wife thinks two bikes is silly, but I tried to explain to her that unloading the uly was ignorant, as it's cash value is much lower than its"rider"value. And so far you all seem to agree. But still, more opinions welcome please!
what year bagger?
I'm thinking 07+ which I'm pretty sure is when they updated to the "stiffer" touring frame. Kinda shooting for a police electraglide, seems like a cheap way to have basically a street glide with a 103" on it....But not pay 16-20k for it. I'm auto collision tech, have even fixed a couple bikes, so wouldn't be too hard for me to turn any of the touring models into exactly what i want it to look like. I even looked at some wrecked ones, but i dont really want a salvage title hanging over my head in the event i ever want to upgrade.
I'm thinking 07+ which I'm pretty sure is when they updated to the "stiffer" touring frame. Kinda shooting for a police electraglide, seems like a cheap way to have basically a street glide with a 103" on it....But not pay 16-20k for it. I'm auto collision tech, have even fixed a couple bikes, so wouldn't be too hard for me to turn any of the touring models into exactly what i want it to look like. I even looked at some wrecked ones, but i dont really want a salvage title hanging over my head in the event i ever want to upgrade.

I have two baggers, a 04 FLHPI (Road King cop bike) with 20k on it, now has 25k on it, picked it up 2 years ago for $8500, also a 2010 FLHX that I bought new, has 12k on it now, paid 20 for it and have another 5 into it, love both bikes, they both ride completely different. The Buell 09 XB12R is my mid-life crisis. :up:
The Buell 09 XB12R is my mid-life crisis.
that's funny, a bagger is kind of my mid life, I'm thinking I'mgetting old! its time to slow down a bit and for something big and comfy to ride now and then. Don't get me wrong I'll still try to ride it like a sport bike. ...
Those are sweet bikes, but I'm hoping to get a police electra glide or a street glide with a 103. I actually found a cheap rebuilder road king with a 110"cvo motor on it. Bike wasnt wrecked too bad, minor rash and needed a wheel. If it wasn't in new York I'd think serious about it, but that's too much of a hassle and I won't buy one sight unseen.
Uly's are tricky to sell.. that niche is tough... a lot of options out there and its usually older guys that have money, they tend to buy new bikes. if it was an S or SS it would sell a lot faster. From what I have been seeing in Florida, a well-done 12S or even a custom tuber can be worth a good amount.. a lot more than a r1 of the same year a lot of the times.. I would keep your Uly.. in another 15 years that will be a rare motorcycle I think.. I predict that a lot of the Ulys are going to get wrecked or converted into SS's over time. Ulys are great bikes but there aren't enough potential buyers for them
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