What's on your "Bucket List"???

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
Another member made a comment to me in a thread that got my attention, to what I want to do before I die, more or less I have in mind different items. Nothing like save the world, feed the hungry, or items like that.

So based off what I have already done I still want to:

-Scuba Dive in Australia
-Skydive on my own (Just did the tandom jump this past weekend)
-See the Coliseum in Italy
-Personally honor a Medal of Honor recipient, like a billboard or something
-Visit the Vietnam Wall Memorial
-Drive a car over 200mph

Sure there are a ton more but that is it for now. What's everyone else got in mind???
@rideboarder LMAO! I'm so with you on that!

My list...

-be debt free!!! (well that's on everyones list)
-Have lunch/dinner with a President
-find a rebuilt a '71 Mustang Mach1
-50 yardline front row of a Superbowl game! (GO COWBOYS!)
-own a Ducati

and other stuff I can't think of right now. There's more though!
Go to all 50 states. Less than 10 more to go.
Meet John Force.
Own a cattle farm.
Ok. U guys got me thinkin!! Dfgoose, u can meet force at any nhra event. I have his autograph 15x over. Anyways I wanna hang out w/ rob derdek, Travis pastrana or bam!! That would be the best weekend. Joe Rogan would be a blast also.
- Debt Free (Dave Ramsey style)
- Hawaiian Family Vacation
- Retire early to Florida and RIDE, FISH, repeat....
- Millionaire
Achieve finacial independance, (owe nothing)
Skydive solo,
Get my glider rating,
Fly a Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat solo,
Drive a class 8 truck in a desert event,
Have my company hit 1 mil. a year,
See New Zealand by light aircraft,
Visit every air museum in the world.

Already done the 200mph one, in a plane I built to boot!
Own my own business
Be independantly wealthy
Own an airplane - Cessna Corvalis TT
Own a Ford GT - knocks off 200+ :p
Skydive solo

Plus much more non-interesting things
get a ktm rc8.
win a race trophy with my buell
own a duc 848 or a 999r
get my skydiving creds
go to nurburgring and ride any of the bikes above on it.
own a house before 30
have my own motorcycle shop/ dealership before 40.
plus family stuff.
Castle tour of Europe on a Motorcycle.
Dead horse Alaska to Key West on a motorcycle.
Punch my boss in the face.
Surf in Maldivas
Skuba dive in Red Sea
Leave Angelina Jolie perform oral sex on me
Us$ 1.000.000,00 in the bank. [up]
Anyways I wanna hang out w/ rob derdek, Travis pastrana or bam!!

a friend of mine hang out with pastrana all the time...he lives in right around me in maryland and my friend met him one time and told him to come on over and hang out at his house...jumping in the foam pit..riding his bikes...sitting in his $90000 STI..lol

@snareman...yeah i was watching zombieland and looking at bullxb.com and saw this post and it got me thinking
For those of you that have skydiving on your "Bucket List", if your anywhere near Northeast PA, I can definately help you with that one. Here's of picture of Buellchick and myself jumping last weekend.


As for my "Bucket List", all I really want to do is go to Antarctica.
Loose my virginity!!! lol jk jk :D

Wow at 21, its hard for me to think of a bucket list. Ill get back to you guys with this one. [smirk]
own a 1190rr street bike.
become a father
own my own business.
do something that so great that people will remember for many generations after me.
i will keep it really simple. **** me a asian girl, and **** me a hispanic girl. dont ever ask the question if you dont want the answer.