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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2011
WTT.... I have an 04 xbr with gold wheels, looking to trade for a set of red or blue.......let me know..
Should be an easy trade lots of guys like the Blue/Red plastics with Amber wheel combo.
Good luck[up]
i sprayerd mine with some 'wheel' paint from advance auto. -i forget the manufacturer name- but it has stood up to pressure washing after 3 years. ... it's all in the prep work
Looks like I'm gonna check into that jobe. There is a place about 5 minutes from me that can do crazy powdercoating. I've used them before on some of our motox bikes.
Personally...I would save your money. I think the gold amber color kicks ass with the black. You should get a orange translucent airbox cover, airbrush skulls or somthing cool inside the box then light it up with leds.

If you need help I can steer you in the right direction on leds and custom paint. Seriously the black and orange looks sweet. I like it better then my gray, orange and white. ;)

If you insist on changing the color of you rims you could powder coat the rims black but leave the orange lip. That would take the cake, look very evil and the brake dust would hardly ever show :p
Yea I wanna do something sik with the airbox cover. I've seen a lot of threads on here. I Just need to know of I can get rid of the servo. Since I have the race package do I still need it?
go ahead and remove the servo. The race pipe does not have a valve and the race ecm has been programmed to eliminate that function. (its just dead weight) If when you remove/unplug it, and you get an engine light, replug it in and order the resistor plug mentonedon the other thread (this will exstinguish the engine light). If you are going to a translucent airbox, I suggest doing an open air box mod since it will been seen... my .02.. btw nice bike.
You should check into doing your own wheels, you can get a powder gun and what ever color paint you want for less than $65.oo Most paints only take 15-20 minutes in the oven at 350+ Degrees, which is an easy cook for most ovens. Then you could do whatever else matching parts you wanted?!!? Just an idea to save some cash and build a skill/hobby.
He will need a media blasting cabinet as well, which requires a large air compressor. Also needs a good degreaser. But ya, it's nice to be able to do those things yourself. A cheap POS kitchen oven will do the job (I've done it).

LOL its not as easy as that. I own a Powder Shop and fix peoples stuff all the time (the ones who try it themselves). Although the process seems and looks to be easy, there are a ton of other factors that aren't often said. Although those cheap guns can and do (at times) produce an ok job, they lack the kv adjustments needed for different metals and issues that may arise. Also you would need a spare oven as you cant use one that will be used for food prep afterward. If you have a reputable shop close by, stop in and talk to them. Will save a lot of aggravation in the long run.

Cheap gun 65
Powder 25-30
used oven 60-100
strip and blast profile 50/hr
masking supplies and phosphate, 20

most shops are around 80 per wheel with a guarantee.