Where is the torque???

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With proper throttle control it will power wheelie in first. Forgive me if I disbelieve everyone talking about how it powers in 2nd. I have to preload the front just to get it to power wheelie in first on my 12r, and have to use the clutch it up in 2nd.

And my bike runs tip top, hawk exhaust & K&N.

1200ccs, yes, liter bike wheelies... Not so much.
I can get it up in 1st higher than I feel comfortable. 2nd I can get it up a few inches- but don't think I have EVER gone full throttle right after shifting into second for fear of it coming up too quick.

No chance in 3rd or any other gear after that

04 12s
I feel like the power is there to do decent wheelies but I know on my bike I can go balls out and stay two wheels planted on the pavement (for the most part)... Not saying wheelies are impossible on these bikes but you have to kinda work a little bit for it and there are never accidental wheelies on my bike. doesnt mean i dont do them every so often they do tend to make me smile a bit :D
there are never accidental wheelies on my bike.

mine has. Three times I can think of off the top of my head. Once taking off from a stop light, the road was heavily crowned, and the front wheel came up after leaving the crown, once taking off from a stop sign, the bike coughed, caught itself just as the forks were rebounding and came up to about 11 oclock(that one scared the piss out of me) and once just the other day, dropped from 5 to 3, and nailed it to pass a car just as the road dipped, front end floated for a bit.
Mine wheelies even when not running, it's crazy...

I honestly have never pulled the front wheel on my bike I don't think. There maybe have been a few times that I accelerated hard from a stand still and it lifted an inch or so but it's hard to tell. I haven't ever tried to wheelie, I usually roll on the throttle, not yank it back. I'm sure I could get it to come up in 1st though if I really wanted to...
heres the secret

put your Buell in reverse and crack the throttle WIDE open while you lean forward on the bars and you'll wheelie with no problems
If u punch it at about 4000rpm in 1st it will come up and flip over backwards if u don't let off, no problem. Or atleast mine will. Don't be scared of it. Well maybe a little scared of it u don't want to flip it.

Fisher I'm guessing your new to your buell and not all that comfortable on it yet
^Is that how you all are doing wheelies?

I thought you all meant from a standstill. I'm sure mine would wheelie if I yanked the throttle at a high rpm but I just don't ride jerky jerky like that.
My 1125R comes up pretty easy in first at about 4K RPM, Second will come up if I hit it pretty hard. Havent tried in third.
Fisher, You should be able to do wheelies easily in first gear, even without any mods. Wait till the rpm's are at round 2K then pop the throttle once. Once you feel the weight shift back just roll on the throttle steadily and she'll come right right up. No clutch needed.
Alot of it depends on body language too. If you're leaning forward over the bars it will be alot harder to lift the front versus leaning back on the seat.
Mine will ride power wheelies in first, but i have to blip the throttle and kind of yank on her to get it up. Also note that i live and ride at 7200 ft. So my bike is down about 20% power by default due to low barometric pressure.
Yes that is how I do wheelies. Punch it in first around 4 grand get it up and then shift to 2nd with no clutch. Don't miss the shift though cause then u look like an idiot and slam the front down. Done it a few times. The other way I do them is just take off fast in 1st and take it almost to redline then shift to second and it will come right up.

I'm not good at the clutch ups I've tried but can't seem to get it good. Also I've been trying to bounce it in 2nd but haven't got that down yet.
I enjoy a good wheelie on every ride with my XB9S that is completely stock except the exhaust. For 1st gear, I get her up to 25-30MPH, close the throttle quickly, then twist it wide open and keep the power on smoothly til I get about 1 o' clock position. Then close the throttle smoothly. I recommend squeezing the tank with your thighs tightly. That way, if you let it down abruptly, you wont do a nut cracker...it hurts :D
In second, I can get the front end light by clutching it up, but not very far.
Ok, first off, thanks for all the posts about the power of these bikes. Here's a list of mods on this bike: Hawk pipe, race ECM, race map, breather, K&N air filter; and the worst mod is, the 19500 miles on the OD. I bought the bike with these mods, so going back to stock right now isn't an option because of money.

As for not being comfortable on the 12r yet, rolling, I have snapped the throttle wide open at 4000 RPM and she isn't comming up. I think being able to pull a wheelie in second with mostly just throttle would make me smile.

Looking into other areas that might be a quick fix, I've taken the air box and air filter off completely, leaving the carb open to see if it would make a difference. It did nothing. I did a breather. Still no difference. Changed plugs. Nothing.

Does anyone know if it could be vales, and if so what should I look or listen for? What does it mean when there is popping through the carb while down shifting?
Carbarator, but I mean where the fuel injection system puts fuel to the cylinder. That popping sound is coming from the air intake.
I'd start with the basics, reset TPS, AFV, and check for trouble codes. Then check static timing. Go from there.

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