Which EBR ECM do I buy?

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2011
I have an 09 XB9S and I'm a little confused by EBR's site. Do 08+ Buell owners have to buy the DDFI 3 programmable kit that is 600 bucks, while pre-08s can get them for 300? There are no 300 dollar options for 09s that I can find... This doesn't seem right can someone explain it a little better? I'm looking for an 09+ ECM for a Jardine and K&N..
Check out the tuniversity, the ad on the right side of the page.
I know about tuniversity but I have decided this route is best option for me, if it's available. Anyone know?
I've been waiting to pick one up for my 12 (should have before the price hike) and they do list 07-, 08/09, and 10 with can options.

Doesn't list choices for the pre-programmed on the 9 though. Maybe another 9'er can chime in, but I'd say email them and see if they've got a map. Maybe they didn't make a map for the late 9's? If that's the case hook up Octo and support a member.
Just use ecmspy and install the race maps or datalog and tune yourself
2009 = ddfi3. Tunerpro, not ecmspy unless someone's got something figured out I haven't heard of.
No, your right Mope... I tried data-logging originally but my laptop/cable would wiggle and I would lose a solid connection and my data-logs would come back with errors. I tried putting sticky tack around the connection hoping it would keep it there, but no luck. I guess I'm going to have to steal my girlfriends net-book and see how that goes. Kind of a bum deal, don't really have a whole heck of a lot of time to mess with it.
Are you sure it's the cable and not the hard drive? Many manufacturers have shock protection to prevent hard drive failures, which stop the drive momentarily after a drop or heavy vibration (read: Buell engine). Make sure to disable that feature if it exists.
No I disabled it, and when I would physically wiggle the cable I would get the same result. So I had to assume that it was happening while I put it in my backpack to ride.