Which would you choose? Ninja 1000 vs Daytona 675 vs Ducati 848

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to the OP:

You mentioned you'll be commuting so I say the sport/touring bike.

The two euro bikes are sport and would be less comfortable for commuting. Kawasaki's are pretty much maintenence free which can NOT be said for the euro's. IMO
RT: I'm talking about the Ninja 1000, not the ZX10R. I demo'd a Yamaha R1 last year and those supersport bikes have entirely too much power that I would not use (nor would I want to).
I have a ducati 1098s same as the 848 except power, my wife has a daytona 675 and my brother has a zx10r.I have ridden them all alot.
You want the best go for the daytona. Its best all around and is the smoothest bike I have ever ridden. awsome sound, awosme suspension and brakes unlike my duc it can be ridden slow even in the wrong gear easy..then you hit the throttle and its like riding the zx10.
you want to stand out the ninja will not cut it the duc and triumph will. the duck is more of a race bike while the zx10 is a good all around ride to work everyday bike my brother got bored with his and the value droppes fast so its now his street/drag bike. But the daytona wil do it all and be different from all the other sportbikes out there..
As a past 675 owner and a current ZX10R owner I would go with the Ninja 1000. For any two up riding a liter, well the Ninja is just over a liter bike would be the way to go. The Ninja is awesome and so was my 675 but when I buy my next bike it will be a middle weight triple but it will be an MV Agusta.
Def not comfy for daily commuting. I see helibars and a gel seat if you're planning on sitting in traffic on that thing. otherwise its a beast and def unique.
I personally suggest the Ducati of the three.I'm a Ducati fan and will always be one.Even though I love my Buell and will prob get another one.I will have another Ducati.The maintenance cost of the newer Duc's are much lees than the older ones.I would rather be on a Ducati Street Fighter or a older Monster than the three mentioned for a daily commute.
Ninja 1000
Tall bars that killer adjustable windscreen.
Great sport touring bike.
My Buddy has one i havent ridden it .but ridden with it he hangs right with us in the twisties and looks like super comfert on the highway.
Been a couple issues with the drive chain cams but i think they have it fixed.
You can find killer deals on leftovers.
Dont get me wrong all 3 are awsome bikes. I think my ducati is the badset bike on earth and bought it because it what I was going for.
If iI were going for a do it all bike and ride everyday I would go with the daytona.
If I was going to buy a beat on and toss away bike it would be the ninja..I was a ninja guy all my life and had 5 so far...lost money on all and could not give them away in better shape than I bought them in,
We looked hard to find a daytona, every time we found one it was dumped at the track or beat to death.
Its her first sportbike and She rides it 75 miles to work and back . The only problem was the heat from the undertail exhaust. We just wraped the pipe and heat mated under the seat... problem is gone.
The only problem was the heat from the undertail exhaust. We just wraped the pipe and heat mated under the seat... problem is gone.
Mine was the same of course, and that's what I did. A triple is such a great configuration and I miss it a lot, that's why I can't wait for the MV's to ship. If it fits and feels as good as it looks I may have to pull the trigger.
i live in FL and never feel the heat everyone talks about...weird...or maybe my ass is just too skinny and doesn't hang off enough to feel the heat lol.

the triple motor is amazing. really amazing. i almost wish i would have gotten the street triple instead of the daytona because the problem isnt the motor...its the ride...just sucks in traffic and 2up blows if she wants to be comfy.

street triple would have been too much like the XB tho, thats why i didnt get it...have u given that one any thought? same motor, better ergos.
I don't like the 1000 Ninja the power is ON/OFF no rolling on , The Daytona I rode several years back was buzzy but not as drastic as the I4 motor. I like twins and big torque triples 1050 the power is way more linear and more fun for me.

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