who rides the least (sad thread really)

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Yeah..I'm definitely on this list somewhere. I'd have to calculate it though. I live so close to work (not complaining) that when I do ride to work I only rack up 10-15 miles. Long weekend rides are more rare than I'd like unfortunately. Too busy making parts for you guys (among other things that keep me busy)!

I commute to college every day (6 miles from my house) and work every other day (8,5mi from my house) so i have NO clue how i racked up miles so quickly last summer. Probably combine the fact that gas was so expensive and i think it rained maybe 10 times total over the summer. I put gas in my car literally once, and that was going to and from Indiana for a 24hr airsoft event in Laporte.
Yeah..I'm definitely on this list somewhere. I'd have to calculate it though. I live so close to work (not complaining) that when I do ride to work I only rack up 10-15 miles. Long weekend rides are more rare than I'd like unfortunately. Too busy making parts for you guys (among other things that keep me busy)!
Thats about where i am also. I live less that 3 miles from my work. I think my engine "hours" would be higher than my miles. Just from sitting in traffic idling. [down]
I put about 1000 miles on my Firebolt a year. The 12s lightning I just bought is an 04 with 2900 miles so...lol everyone's different
i bought my bike last april and between May and November, i logged over 4,400 miles. I will admit that i've only put 66 miles on her since 2013 began though. Stupid Illinois weather :/
i hear you there. think i put 500 on my 12r last year and 900 on my v-rod. just bought the vrod last year. this year i have .2 miles on the 12r. work 3 jobs, a wife i cant stand and 2 kids. there isnt enough time any more.
a wife i cant stand

.....all the more reason to get out on the bikes.

I can empathize- i have a live-in girlfriend that hates me about as much as i hate her. Probably why I've put 8k on mine in a little over two years, and my billiards has improved some, and I've taken in lots of ball games, and my proficiency w/ my carry gun has improved, and I've caught quite a few bass and stripers, and I've taken some sweet hikes on the AT, and visited quite a few craft breweries, and visited all of the civil war sites in central virginia, and........
Wow, feel sorry for all these poor Buells just sitting around. Although, I no longer feel bad for only putting 9500 on my bike last season
I don't have but about 5500 miles on my 2007 firebolt,but since 2010 I have had several surgeries so haven't been able to ride as much as I would like.:D
I've put 200 mi on my s3 in the last 30 days , it has 7782 and I got it with 7484 . Can't ride it again till I get a new tire for the back
I definitely lost this. I commute everyday on either my XB or my 1125. Mainly ride my XB. Only had the XB about a year and a half and have put 21000 miles on it. That was even including 2 months of being down for shift fork replacement. My 1125 I picked up in Aug and it had 1400 miles on it when I got it and I'm up to about 9000 on it now so all together in a year and a half about 28000 miles. If it has been two days since I've rode then it's either snowed and there is ice on the roads or it's a weekend and downpouring with rain and I have no where to go. My truck actually gets about the mileage some of you put on your Buells. I have only driven that about 2000 miles in the last year. The beauty of having heated gear and being able to ride all year because of it.
in 2010 i got my bike with 200 miles on it now it has 1.900 miles on it and the waterpump is leaking again,i'm gonna try half a can of stopleak..
I wouldn't use stopleak if I was you. It may end up costing you way more then just fixing the waterpump again. I have never heard of that stuff actually working to the point that someone never had to mess with it again.
I have been really bad the last year or so...

I clocked up over 14000kms in the first year I got the Uly (2011) and about 3000kms till now...:(

Used to commute to work each day, but my wife's cousin started working at the same company and he is not a good pillion rider...

My time over weekends is even less and didn't even have it off road the last year.

I need to make a plan!