Why we wave.

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Not sure if anyone else notices this where they live, but it's typically Harley riders who don't wave back. I smile at the irony when that happens.

This is very true. But I still wave no matter what. I'm in Southern CA by the way.

As for Thaloc, I'm in love with this write up right now buddy. Reminds me of going fishing with my pops as a young whipper snapper.

Thanks man I really enjoyed it, SERIOUSLY!!!
My pleasure everyone! I seen it and really related to it myself. I wave at everyone. Cruisers, Sumos, Streetbikes, Scooters, everyone. I stop for every biker I see on the side of the road to see if I can be of assistance. Infact some of my best rides are a result of that. We're all brothers and sisters of the two wheel addiction.

P.S. hot chicks ride scooters.
yeah great read and its a wonderful description of most motorcyclists.I once stopped to help a fellow rider on the side of the road, he had just started riding after a long spell and consequently had build up in his carbies that couldn't be cleaned on the side of the road.I rode to the nearest bike shop that was shut but found someone having a beer after work.He agreed to get his ute and pick up the bike for this stranded rider.They came to an agreement and the rider gave me his card and asked /demanded i track him down when convenient.Turns out he was chief Brewer for a small beer company ...mmmmmmm i love beer. After all i would like someone to help me out if i need it.
I wave when I can.

Page 14 of the B.O.B., that's me.

If I can't wave, I nod.

That's what I do. I wave every time, unless I'm working the clutch, then I'm nodding.

True about some Harley riders. There's always this guy decked out in his Harley attire with an I'm better than you look on his face on my way to work that I wave to and he never waves back. On the other hand there are many other Harley riders that always wave back on the same route.
I wave at everyone, I also drive a lifted Jeep and the Jeep community is very close to the motorcycle community in a lot of ways. We Jeepers always wave at each other unless shifting or wheeling.
If anybody has ever ridden in Kitchener, Ontario you will know why I don't wave in town. I'm spending way too much time watching out for ******** trying to kill me. When out of the city I wave at everybody, even cops!!! They're funny, they seem to wave real quick and quit before anyone sees them!! LOL. Wayne
You don't wave when you're wheeling by another jeep?
not when Im wheeling off road, its like waving at motorcycles during a bike event like Daytona Bikeweek, It gets old fast and when your off road you need both hands on the wheel or on the shifter and hand throttle. Besides most of the time you stop and talk for a few.
I now have a place to send people when they ask me why I didn't get rid of bike after my accident, I never could put it in words. [up]. By the way GatorBuell ditto on jeep, on my fourth one (takin care of this one).
Over here it's the shaka brudda.It's funny cause usually you can tell who the local riders are and who the rental bikers are.Its all fun[up]