Will Buells be collectors items in say..20-30 yrs?

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Aug 25, 2011
Since they are no longer in production i was wondering what u guys thought about Buells being collectors items in the future. Im gonna hold onto mine for a while and it'd be nice if one day it started INCREASING in value[up]
Maybe in about 60 years. I thought about leaving mine stock because it was the last production year, but I couldn't resist. So the ones that will be worth something are the bone stockers with next to no miles. But they are meant to be ridden.
hmmm really the first America sports bike. yes I think they will go up in price but i think we will all be dead by then so tear er up while you can
I think at the rate people have been dropping on here this year they will go up for the shear need of spare parts. :( I kid I kid
I think at the rate people have been dropping on here this year they will go up for the shear need of spare parts. I kid I kid

You're probably right on that.

If it wasn't for ASB, I'd be ******
I think so. I don't advocate buying a motorcyle as an investment, but look at shovelheads, panheads, older Triumphs...don't shoot me for using Harleys as reference ;) Although I no longer own a Buell, I will forever be a fan and I believe Eric has got what it takes to keep it going and growing! Albeit, I think that the tubers will probably be worth more. Sorry to the XB guys (what I owned). Great bikes, but the tubers were first and I think will be classics before long.
The less the production the more it might be worth.
The last few yrs they made the XBs they were pumping them out pretty good.
Now that 1125, only 3yrs correct?
There are a few old muscle cars that were only available in certain configs for 2 or 3yrs and they tend to go for a pretty penny, but there has to be a market for them first.

Whats the going price for a good condition cb350?
Does anyone even know what that is?
Good condition Cb350 is about $1200-$1500. At least ones that I would condier in rideable condition.
i cleaned mine up today and i cant believe they arent going to make them anymore. Its a sexy, fun, easy to ride & maintain bike. plus you hardly ever see another one on the road. Its also an American sportbike which is one of the main reasons i bought mine.