I also have a height challenged Buell lover in the household and her issue really isn't height, it's the width you mentioned. Buells are wide there because you are basically straddling the rear cylinder head.
You'll need to deal with it by learning the side saddle stop, cut the foam, lower it, or get an Scg:
Side saddle stop is just sliding his cheeks over and committing to stop on one leg. Shouldn't be a problem for a basic experienced rider or any dirt rider knows this trick.
Using the stock height seat helped support that part of her body, while trimming the foam at the front points of the seat down to almost nothing let her get her leg straighter to the ground to support herself. Not a perfect fix, there isn't a lot of foam there to begin with.
Lower it by replacing forks, shock, and kickstand. I'm not sure what that will do to a Long. Maybe you need Scg stuff, maybe you need S stuff, I don't know.
Or go shopping for an Scg