Wonderful XB review

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According the speedo it is MPH. If it is accurate & I have no reason to doubt it that is F-A-S-T! My XB12 will do 145mph so it is possible. Your talking a motorcycle that will easily do 0-70 in about 2.7sec.
If it’s on the internet, it must be true.

Here is a guy going 220kph on his XB9. The starter clicking in the beginning is classic.

“Let’s not address this problem until after we make a high speed run”
I like how we are “reviewing” a motorcycle that’s been out of production longer than it was in production.

Of course, this is the forum that also has a sub forum dedicated to the “all NEW Buell 1125CR”
I like how we are “reviewing” a motorcycle that’s been out of production longer than it was in production.

That's directly due to the fact the Buell, particularly the XB, is to a fiercely loyal a just about perfect sport bike. Fast, light, well engineered (decentralized low center of gravity) sport bike w/ the soul of a loud, rebellious, timelessly Harley freakin' Davidson. It roars around town popping and snarling like a bad boy hooligan (w/ a Jardine pipe at least) not quietly purring like all other motorcycles in it's class w/ the politeness of a ladies sewing machine who only comes alive when stretched out to 10k and at 135mph+. Besides once you do reach the 'fun zone' of every other sport bike (Ducati, Triumph/Norton, BMW, rice rockets) your going so damn fast its no longer fun...its just about trying to hang on and hopefully have enough room to stop or swerve to prevent dying at 150+mph. I've said it before & I'll say it again when the analysis is limited to two wheels the fun is 0-120mph (at absolute most) & above that the death to survivor rate over a 3-5yr timeline is pretty high, 3x as high as every other class of motorcycle
(https://money.cnn.com/2007/09/11/autos/motorcycle_safety/index.htm). I really do believe the over paid idiots that run HD live in an altered reality refusing to accept market facts and IF they had allowed BUELL to continue in the direction it was going it would over taken HD and Erik Buell would be a highly ranked HD executive. I mean hell they converted to fuel injection in 25yrs AFTER everyone else had long since been using it. < That speak volumes as the HD's obtuseness and stupidity.


I never knew they made an XBRR pure race bike. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to7n0XlYmMw
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Hello. Welcome to a Buell motorcycle specific forum. We're happy you are excited about your new bike.

Regardless of opinion, we know all that. NO need to re-hash 11+ year old 'news'. In another thread. Again.
Yeah, what he said....

I mean you don't need to sell anyone here on Buell. We've all got one. Also, I'm confused, do you hate Harley or like Harley? One second your touting the amazing power and sound of the sportster derived Buell motor and then the next you're bashing the "idiots" at Harley?!
From what I saw at the end of buell in 2009 Buell was not doing well in any way. Almost no one one would drop 12k on a Ulysses, but people were still happily spending just shy of 20k on streetglides... and they still are buying them today. All the while Buell has been rebooted more times than any 90's sitcom ever and it still keeps failing. Now dont take me wrong, I really like buells, but what reality are you living in? They ARE NOT the best motorcycles ever made! PERIOD

Quick edit: pretty sure MSRP on a uly at the time was close to 12k, not super sure on the Streetglide... probably over 20k, but u get my point
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Also, I'm confused, do you hate Harley or like Harley?

I've been wondering that myself. In addition he talks about how high he regards Erik Buell, but wants nothing to do with an Erik Buell designed motor.

I could have sworn I read it somewhere that Erik Buell actually had little involvement with the XB. Don't quote me on this, and I can't even remember where I read it.

Vtwin- if you want to read a really interesting article about what happened at Buell, do a google search for "Buell Barracuda". I believe the guy who wrote the article was a former Buell employee. Its kind of hard to find these days as everyone has basically moved on with life, but I may have a copy of it somewhere.

edit: Here is that link.


and if you want to dig deeper, this is a very good watch. It starts out like the "shutdown video" but keep watching....


and remember.

EBR lacks the HD soul.
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HD never EVER supported Buell w/ the fervor they supported flops like the V-Rod & Livewire, both of which never had 1/2 the loyalty of Buell owners. They dropped a few dollars into a "toy" bike as they called it hoping to capitalize on uniqueness. Articles written in hindsight many years after the incident (Buell's closure) w/ a preconceived negative view means less than spit to me. Before Erik Buell NO bike a a perimeter mounted 6 piston brake (not even Brembo), or frame gas tanks/swingarm oil tanks. Buells were innovative and still are 12yrs later. I love the vtwin of HD and it's superiority for real-world riding. I hate the way HD is and has been managed for the past 20+yrs. No one working for a motorcycle business needs to make 2 ****** million dollars per year as the german HD CEO does. HD was cool into it became cool to ride a HD, as exemplified by WILD HOGS. Buell, especially the XB is about rebellious hooliganism IMO and thats why I love mine. If you don't then find someone else's post to obsess over. BWB seems more mature, this forum seems to have a couple of punks in particular acting like punks do....at least in the anonymity of the internet.
HD never EVER supported Buell w/ the fervor they supported flops like the V-Rod & Livewire, both of which never had 1/2 the loyalty of Buell owners. They dropped a few dollars into a "toy" bike as they called it hoping to capitalize on uniqueness. Articles written in hindsight many years after the incident (Buell's closure) w/ a preconceived negative view means less than spit to me. Before Erik Buell NO bike a a perimeter mounted 6 piston brake (not even Brembo), or frame gas tanks/swingarm oil tanks. Buells were innovative and still are 12yrs later. I love the vtwin of HD and it's superiority for real-world riding. I hate the way HD is and has been managed for the past 20+yrs. No one working for a motorcycle business needs to make 2 ****** million dollars per year as the german HD CEO does. HD was cool into it became cool to ride a HD, as exemplified by WILD HOGS. Buell, especially the XB is about rebellious hooliganism IMO and thats why I love mine. If you don't then find someone else's post to obsess over. BWB seems more mature, this forum seems to have a couple of punks in particular acting like punks do....at least in the anonymity of the internet.

serious question, if our bike's innovations like perimeter mounted discs and fuel in frame, oil in swingarm etc, how come we don't see this on top spec grand prix bikes by the other major manufacturers?
Oh, the ol' 'if it aint in MotoGP this year it's junk' argument. Listen, once they require MotoGP bikes to be ridden by amateurs, start cold, go to the store for a Slurpee, ride well, and be affordable, THEN I'll listen to that BS. Theres a thing called compromise and you both are looking at 2003 bikes with 2021 eyes.

The oil-in-swingarm and perimeter rotor strand out as the oddities because they didn't catch on. You both are missing some big ones because they are 'normal' now.

Check out the new (and awesome) KTM 890 Adventure. See those big black ugly things? Thats the gas tank. Down low and straddling the engine. Hmmm. MV Agusta has a tank that goes under the seat, BMW GS too. Most bikes do, more than meets the eye.

First production bike with stainless steel brake lines. They got them to pass the dreaded "whip test" when no one else could. Seen braided brake lines on a performance motorcycle lately?

Underslung muffler. It was a convenient place to put it, considering the width of the engine they had required a certain height for lean angle, You sure see a LOT of those lately.

Mass centralization. Its much easier to twist a 400 pound ball than a 400 pound barbell. Everyone does that now.

So, ya. Erik may not have invented engineering, but he sure put it into practice with motorcycles 10+ years before anyone else did. Of course they have their faults. There ain't nothing built without compromise, and to BB's point, the only perfect bike is the next one.
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Ultimately I think Erik Buell's innovations don't apply as well to racing as they do to the street. Racing has advanced to the point it has sooo very little in common with the street that any innovations in either area are transferring less & less to either area. Buell's own XBRRs didn't use a belt drive which is a great example of what I'm saying. Buell's innovations are VERY effective for street racing which usually only lasts a few seconds. AMA races lasts 1/2hr+. No street race or run from the police on a motorcycle lasts 1/2hr+.
and to BB's point, the only perfect bike is the next one.

For sure! Look how far things have come. If you would've told me when I bought my first 1200cc buell that someday I could have a Heritage Softail Classic that would out run it in a straight line, I would've ask for a hit of what you were smokin' ! now I own one... no joke my 114 which I added a stage 2 kit to (cam exhaust air cleaner and tuner) is seriously faster than my Ulysses. A 700lb bike!
Ultimately I think Erik Buell's innovations don't apply as well to racing as they do to the street. Racing has advanced to the point it has sooo very little in common with the street that any innovations in either area are transferring less & less to either area. Buell's own XBRRs didn't use a belt drive which is a great example of what I'm saying. Buell's innovations are VERY effective for street racing which usually only lasts a few seconds. AMA races lasts 1/2hr+. No street race or run from the police on a motorcycle lasts 1/2hr+.

Racing still very much has to do with street bikes. Even more so today. You can buy a new sport bike like a Ninja 400 for $6k, that has ABS.

But now that the 'recipe' for building a fast 2 wheeled machine is pretty perfected, you need to focus a bit. You won't see the 1/2* of rake change in the new MT-09, but you'll feel it. Wings, and other aero are obvious but racing innovation now comes mostly in the form of electronics and tire tech. Things like slide control, rear lift mitigation, wheelie control, lean angle sensitive ABS, and the fact that you can drag a knee, on the street, in the rain on your street bike.

The belt thing was not any "innovation" by Erik Buell. It was mandated by Buells parent company, to make them more 'relatable' to the H-D crowd. Including the 1125's.

Buells weren't sold out of dealers as racing bikes. The solutions to getting a racing motorcycle to go faster around a track do not always apply to a street motorcycle. If you want a racing motorcycle for the street, it's not gonna be a Buell. Ducati Desmodici, BMW HP2, HP4, Kawasaki H2RR. The BMW maintenance manual for the HP2 says the 5000 mile service requires a new engine. A new engine. See what I mean about assuming racing is better?
For sure! Look how far things have come. If you would've told me when I bought my first 1200cc buell that someday I could have a Heritage Softail Classic that would out run it in a straight line, I would've ask for a hit of what you were smokin' ! now I own one... no joke my 114 which I added a stage 2 kit to (cam exhaust air cleaner and tuner) is seriously faster than my Ulysses. A 700lb bike!

Fer sher! POWA! 800ccs with 140hp, and in a 360-ish lb package is no joke here either, and most performance bikes are even better HP/Lb than that today in 2021.
800cc! Thats less volume than 2 pints of beer, and they stuffed 140 horses in there!
Diavel, Rocket III, and again with the H2R... man today is a great day to be a motorcycle enthusiast (before they make us all go electric:(). I wonder how they figured out how to get that much power out of a relatively small motorcycle engine? Hmmm....:indecisiveness:
165HP out of 30.5 cubic inches.....on gasoline pre-mix....normally aspirated...in a 255 pound package of dynamite.
world GP500 champ, the beloved Wayne Gardner, explains it best. "You need to understand these things very well before you touch the trigger." one of the top 5 statements in cycling history.

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There's just nothing better on two wheels IMO than splitting lanes @ 2x+ the posted limit on my XB12r howling so loud you can hear it echo off the buildings on BOTH sides of the 5 lane boulevard. If I would've had something like this in 1995 I'd be dead w/out a doubt.
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There's just nothing better on two wheels IMO than splitting lanes @ 2x+ the posted limit on my XB12r howling so loud you can hear it echo off the buildings on BOTH sides of the 5 lane boulevard. If I would've had something like this in 1995 I'd be dead w/out a doubt.

For me there's better things, like living long enough to watch my kids grow up. You do you though...
Lets see here...

There's just nothing better on IN LIFE IMO than splitting lanes @ 2x+ the posted limit on my XB12r howling so loud you can hear it echo off the buildings on BOTH sides of the 5 lane boulevard. If I would've had something like this in 1995 I'd be dead w/out a doubt.

Oh, well yeah thats totally different. I don't know what that RidetheLightning guy was thinking.

But don't let us stop you. 2021 could be your year for splitting lanes @ 2x+ the posted limit.

That is an interesting formula... 2x+ the posted limit? Wouldnt it have been easier to just write "3x the posted limit" ?

If the speed limit is 55mph. 2 x 55mph + 55mph = 165mph
or 3x 55mph = 165mph.

You may need to trade up to at least an 1125, unless you are sticking to side streets.

PS. Hey RidetheLightning, I will probably pick up my fuel pressure gauge and cam sensor NEXT week.
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