WONT Start... clicking sound.. Battery is okay.. whats wrong??

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
hey my bike wont start

when i push the start button it just goes click click click click click click click

the battery is fine, its working the fuel pump and makeing pressur..

and when i messur on the battery it is fine

i tried with a battery booster and still just goes click click click

hope that you can help me..

i have a c-tek charger to the battery all the time so the battery is not the problem
There is a connector that plugs in just under the starter selonoid, white clip style plug, that came loose on mine. Started doing the clicky biz. Took off the pully cover unplugged the connection, cleaded the leads and securely plugged it back in. replaced the pully cover and she was good to go!
mine has done this a few times over the years. for me it has always been the relays on the l/s opposite the fuse box. try switching them around to see if its that
Loose battery connection(s)? What are you measuring it with? It may measure 12 volts static but it's the current draw under load that's important. Should be 200amps +or- @ 70F ambient
It may measure 12 volts static but it's the current draw under load that's important. Should be 200amps +or- @ 70F ambient

Good rule to follow is replace battery every 3 years. Well I do anyway. I hate the thought of it dying when I'm away from home.

Years ago vehicles would stay running even if you removed the battery while running. New vehicles that are run from ECM's or ECU's (computers) just about will not run correctly once the battery becomes a little weak.
now I got a new battery.. and it help... i had 3 guys telling me that it was NOT the battery..

and then i swap one thing(in a box like the fuse box just with 3 black things in) i swap two of them around and then it startet..


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