Would you change this tire?

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Jan 22, 2014
The nail seems to have gone through just the thick layer of tread since I pulled it out and 5 hours later the tire is still inflated. Do you guys think the tire is still safe to ride on?

I've seen worse.... If you're just putting along, then **** it, rolll on and wear it out. If you're shredding corners, replace soon.
$150 is a lot cheaper than surgeries

Anytime my tires look rough, I buy new. Just my 2 cents tho [up]
If no cords were touched by the nail, then I'd continue to ride on it & monitor it regularly.

If that were the front tire I might be a little more cautious...
Thanks for the responses. I asked because I have no idea how close the cords are to the puncture since I don't know how tires are manufactured. The tires are only about 4-5000 commuting miles old...lots of wear left.
Lots of wear left in every area except the area the nail punctured. It's your choice man, in your ok with the risk, ride it.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to ride a tire after a nail did that haha. Safe riding [cool]
I'd change it. Why take chances?

If in doubt, pull it out. Spray it with soapy water. If it bubbles it went all the way throught. If not then make a call. But either way IMO, change it. Flats are a major PITA. If not dangerous.
The tires are only about 4-5000 commuting miles old
Based on what I can see in the pic, that's some pretty good mileage you've gotten already; the tire probably doesn't owe you much more any way. Having said that, it looks like there's still some life in it yet. If you want to be sure the structure of the tire is still OK, I'd probe around in the punctured area with a set of needle-nose pliers or an awl to check for cord damage. If no cords show, you've basically got 'just a flesh wound'. :)
Anytime my tires look rough, I buy new
Personally, you couldn't pay me to ride a tire after a nail did that
I'd change it. Why take chances?
I wouldn't ride it until there is a new tire on it
The cautious side of me definitely agrees with you guys. If the OP's planning track days, I'd also get off that tire ASAP.

Having seen worse gashes on my dual-sport tires from riding through shale scree, however, I'd be comfortable continuing to run on the OP's tire, assuming of course the cords are still in-tact.
Don't try the spray on rubber in a can, I don't think it would grip well in the corners!
From the look of the pictures, I'd simply pull it out and keep going. Looks like it's near the surface enough that it didn't touch cords.

No track days, but around town and commuting, hell yeah.
NO! It may look shallow but the point may have gone deeper before coming out where it did. Do not ask me how I know. Tires are YOUR LIFE!
Ride it and just check it, you still have plenty of life left. I hate the people who act like its a be all or end all when i comes to tires, please show me proof that this puncture (which isnt even past the deepest thread) is going to cause problems in the future. Esp with commuting.

You guys are just as big of babies as some car guys I know who will buy all new tires if one blows cause they 'dont wanna run different diameters'... like 32nds of inches makes a difference (which it doesnt, takes almost 1/4).