Would you wear one?

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This is also an opportunity to display other useful info like speed , RPM, weather etc...

if it had bike data speed,rpm,temps etc i would consider it,i dont care about the camera or gps
Every time I go somewhere new, and do NOT use GPS. I can find my way there again in the future.

Every time I go somewhere new and just plug in the address to the GPS… I can't.

Does this happen to anyone else? I believe my "situational awareness" is the same with the GPS in my earbud, but what the heck part of my brain shuts off?
not for everyone...

technology is a good thing, but too much of it is a bad thing...

ever heard of "KISS"...keep it simple stupid!!!

having all that crap inside the helmet would just be distracting and before you guys jump on my ass over what I've just said...did you read my first three words in this reply!
seems like all the little gadgets out there to make my life easier just make is more complicated. those are my first thoughts and feelings. but would love to have one
Personally I wouldn't find it more disgracing then a fellow biker coming up behind you, or that car with some sexy broad in it, etc...

But, like thrstrmech said, "not for everyone."
If it was somewhere under $1200 I would get one. Like the look, and would probably like the functionality. I ride with music in my ears every single time. A big part of seeing if you are going to hit something is looking in the first place. My bike drowns out vehicle noise anyways so I wouldn't be effected if the gps direction cues where played though it somehow.