I have the opportunity to buy a so called "factory race engine". Does anyone know if this actually exists and if so how would you know for sure that's what it is? I've had xb's for years and have never heard of such a monster....
It may not have a VIN number if its for real. At least thats my take . Its not made to pass any EPA/FED regulations so no VIN so it can't be registered. But at my age I maybe wrong.
Here in AZ. they don't use the engine #'s for registration, just the frame VIN. Buy it and move here.
Where I live(Wisconsin) the frame number and the engine number have to match. If no match you no have motorcycle.
Well get pull over on the highway and try to explain to LEO why you have no engine number. Back when I was a kid the frames didn't have any numbers. The engine number was the VIN, then later they started putting the engine number on the frame. It made it easier for the law to check for stolen bike,motors or both. I'm not trying to be a dick just would hate to see someone spend good money on a motor and then be pull over for some small thing and have it go tits up.I've seen it happen. As for replacing an engine the easiest way would be go though the dealer of the bike brand. An after market motor can be used but it gets complicated. I know we have some LEOs on the board hopefully the can chime in.