XB12 timing issue

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Feb 21, 2017
I just bought an XB12 that has about 5 minutes running time after a rebuild ( it broke a piston ). It had a clutch issue (fixed) and I was told to check timing. It ran and sounded good but when I checked the timing is was very late (the flywheel rotated 1/2in after line is in middle of window). Set it correctly and now will not run, just hits a little (acts like a car after the timing chain jumps). Pulled the cam cover and the cams are aligned correctly. Do all of the cranks have the cam keyway in the same position? Is the timing line the same on all cranks? How do I check the timing of the valves?
you start with the crank gear tooth having arrow engaging dot on rear intake cam......then lining up all the other dots per cam. the dots will only line up one way in that they're stamped asymetrically onto each cam gear. any chance cams 1 and 4 got mixed up? been known to happen. the only sure-method to determine if the crank has or has not been dicked with....if a false timing mark has been added to it....if anything is out of wack....is to degree the motor and check it. this is done by placing a degree wheel on the PRIMARY side of the crank assembly...a piston stopper or dial indicator into the spark plug hole for the front cylinder...bringing that cylinder up onto TDC....then checking where your mark is. if it's way off then simply now add your own timing mark as you've just determined where it should be with this method and then set the timing as per the manual.
The timing mark is at TDC.

Put marks every 45 deg on the flywheel, both intake cams are 25/44. The front ex is 80/23 and rear ex is 66/22. All of the cams have "E" on them. What would cause the ex cams to be so far from spec? Worn or maybe they were ground?

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