Hi All
Just pulled the plugs on my 05 XB12r Firebolt tonight as I havent had it long and wanted to check condition.
Rear plug was very very light grey all over which indicates to me a lean condition.
Front plug was darkish brown all over which I interpret as slightly rich.
Bike has standard maps K&N filter and standard exhaust but with muffler control valve held open.
AFV always seems to be 100 everytime I check it
Did a TPS reset as soon as I got the bike 3 or 4 weeks ago
Just fitted a new velocity stack tonight (courtesy of Pash) as the previous owner for some unkown reason had chopped it off.
Now if I understand this correctly running with a velocity stack as opposed to no velocity stack is likely to give the engine even more air at mid to high rpms and will therefore create a leaner condition now it is fitted.
I'm tempted to increase each cell in the main regions of the rear map by 5% or 10% as a safety precaution until I can tune the bike properly which i intend to do in the spring when the weather's a bit warmer.
Would people agree this is a good idea?
Any idea why the AFV is always 100 even though the rear (monitored) cylinder seems to be running lean.
Any other idea's?
Just pulled the plugs on my 05 XB12r Firebolt tonight as I havent had it long and wanted to check condition.
Rear plug was very very light grey all over which indicates to me a lean condition.
Front plug was darkish brown all over which I interpret as slightly rich.
Bike has standard maps K&N filter and standard exhaust but with muffler control valve held open.
AFV always seems to be 100 everytime I check it
Did a TPS reset as soon as I got the bike 3 or 4 weeks ago
Just fitted a new velocity stack tonight (courtesy of Pash) as the previous owner for some unkown reason had chopped it off.
Now if I understand this correctly running with a velocity stack as opposed to no velocity stack is likely to give the engine even more air at mid to high rpms and will therefore create a leaner condition now it is fitted.
I'm tempted to increase each cell in the main regions of the rear map by 5% or 10% as a safety precaution until I can tune the bike properly which i intend to do in the spring when the weather's a bit warmer.
Would people agree this is a good idea?
Any idea why the AFV is always 100 even though the rear (monitored) cylinder seems to be running lean.
Any other idea's?