XB12S vs XB12Ss

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May 3, 2009
I am going to buy a buell ( secondhand ) in the next weeks. Trouble is I don't know if there is any real difference in real riding feel between the XB12S and the XB12Ss model besides the technical data ( wheelbase, rake and trail ). Is the XB12Ss that much stabler ? The XB12Ss is more recent, will cost me more, but is this later model worth the higher price-tag ?
Can somebody who rode the two bikes give me his advice ?
Ss is more stable than the S, the range is more on the Ss and there is a larger fuel tank, little more leg room, and more space for a passenger. The S is a more manuverable bike, and is better for stunting, as the Ss doesn't pull the fron up as easily. You choose, they both have advantages and disadvantages.
the Ss doesn't pull the fron up as easily

I will have to correct you here at least from my experience. I rode a Ss last summer to see if I would by it instead of a S because there was no S left and it wheelied on me without even trying so to me it's about the same between the Ss and the Scg I currently own.

Direction is more stable on the Ss but for me I like the S more since I don't feel it's less stable. I think you would be fine with either and depending on the years and prices of the bikes then one might be better choice then the other.
I bought an '06 Ss over the winter - my first Buell and my first bike in 20 years. Compared to my old '80 Yamaha XS850G, the Buell is from another planet.

But, I find that the Ss fits my 6 foot, 170lb. frame absolutely perfectly, and it is one solid handling bike - very stable, not twitchy whatsoever, and that's even with the OEM tires yet (4500 miles or so) which are still OK on tread, but have the typical odd wear pattern on the front and a bit flat on the center of the rear.

I don't think I'd like the "standard" shorter Buell for my style of riding (commuting, sport touring, and just general relaxing riding), but since I've not ridden one, that's just conjecture. Basically, the design intent of the Ss fits my "mission profile", so that's why I went with it, and I wasn't disappointed.

Either way, you'll end up with a great bike.

Either way, you'll end up with a great bike.
Right On! I'm with Chris. I say whichever you find the better deal on, grab it. I've yet to see a post where someone hated the SS so bad they traded for an S; or vice-versa. Good luck with your decision.

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