Hey everyone. I am new to this site and scene in general. I have been browsing for hours and hours on this site getting some knowledge on this bike as I am going to be picking one up a week from today, and I have a couple questions, and I apologize if thats has been covered, but the search engine isn't the greatest. The bike I am picking up is the white one, but I would love it to look like the red (buellchick) or yellow one. I understand the parts can be interchanged, but does anyone have a definitive "parts list" for everything I would need to do the tail and front end conversion? I just couldn't find any real answers. also I read that the yellow one is lowered a bit due to fork and rear shock swaps and I was wondering if there is any info on that because I love the stance. Anyways, please pardon my ignorance, I just want to get everything I need without hunting down other parts, thanks alot.