XB9S - Oil Leak

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Jun 6, 2008
Help! I have a 2003 XB9S and it is leaking oil from one of the cooler lines coming into the block. It is the 90 degree fitting with the orange thread sealer on it. Does anyone have a good fix before I tear into it? I want to make sure I have the 'stuff' before I take it all apart. The picture was taken after i cleaned it all up and let it idle for 5 minutes. this morning after the 20 mile ride to work there is oil everywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
1. It doesent look like its leaking from the orange seal.

2. Could it possibly be from the filter seal?

3. Most likely leaking from the bottom of the 90, take it off and put new teflon tape on...( white thread tape ) and make sure its tight enough. It looks like it may be just a bit loose.

** dont know if you need to drain the oil first because thats the line that runs to the engine I believe. You may be ok leaving the oil in it, and only spill a small amount,....either way, you'll get a bit messy :D:D:D
who used the bad/wrong wrench on the lower fitting?

a 2003 with howmany miles/km's?
3100 miles on it. Not sure who buggered up the fittings. I did tighten the lower fitting (1/4 turn), but used a proper wrench to do it.

Looks like a bit of teflon tape hanging there too.
Looks like a bit of teflon tape hanging there too

Does the bike have an aftermarket exhaust? I would bet that the previous owner removed that oil line to fit the pipe, and didnt tape/tighten properly [up]
I would just remove it and teflon tape the fitting to see if it fixes it. Unless they really messed up the fitting putting it back on, thats about all it could be.
I have the same problem on my 04 XB12R. I talked to the dealer and he said not to use teflon tape, said they use a teflon paste/thread sealant. Probably all the same stuff but you never know.
I plan on tackling it this weekend, shouldn't be too big of a project...
Update - It's fixed. It was that stinkin 90 degree fitting. It was loose when I finally got to it. Took an hour and half the wrenches in the tool box to get at it. 5 rounds of teflon tape and some Loctite thread sealent and no more drips. :D
I too had the exact same problem as EVLXB (03 XB9R w/ 3800 mi). My leak was originating from the engine block (orange) side of the 90 degree elbow. Once I removed the line from the bottom side, the fitting could be turned by finger. Took me about an hour and a half as well, the toughest part is getting the oil sensor right above the elbow out of the way to spin the elbow. Talked to a Harley dealer, they said Teflon tape is all they use, no Loctite needed. I put about 4 wraps on the fitting, put it back together and idled for 3 min. No leaks. I'll check it again tomorrow after the ride to work and back. I assume it was on the same order of being removed for the aftermarket exhaust (jardine pipe), its previous owner must not have re-taped it correctly.
After riding today, 20 miles to and from work, happy to update no leaks! Thanks for the information.
TREYR8D - glad it worked out for you. I've put on ~ 200miles now with no leaks.