XB9S, tons of questions...any help appreciated

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2013
Okay guys well I am new to this board, and new to XB's. I've been on badweatherbikers for a while and have owned a Buell tuber for a few years. I have a whole slew of questions and things. Instead of making a ton of threads I decided to just compile them all into one. A response to any or all of these would be greatly appreciated.

My bike: 2003 XB9S with 33k miles, previous owner up to 25k miles was a harley mechanic, owner from 25k miles to 32k miles has owned buells and built them since the 90s, the bike looks like new and runs like new and been very well maintained. Within the last 1k miles he replaced the tires, replaced the belt, replaced the idler, replaced the steering head bearings, new brake pads and rotors, and replaced the front and rear wheel bearings. Also has a custom exhaust (factory muffler, cut, gutted, new baffles and packing and exhaust tip, rewelded and recoated and sounds great. I plan on adjusting the suspension for my weight this weekend as well as adjusting the primary chain and clutch and replacing the spark plugs (have 8k miles on them). Already chopped off the cheese grater, the bike has an LED tail light, headlight mod, handguards, and the buell Select seat. It looks like the "white wire mod" has been done as there is no white wire running to the ECM and a little white rubber plug in the whole where it would have gone.

Oh and I am a vet student on student loans so funds are limited (but I buy/sell/flip bikes, guns, etc to help fund my toys just can't afford any high end parts or expensive upgrades)

So here we go:

1.) I know the 03 XB9s were the early models and a lot of improvements were made over the years, are there any easier not too expensive upgrades that I can do to my bike? I know the pulley conversion upgrade to the newer style, thats on my list for later down the road since its got a brand new ASB belt and pulley on it now.

2.) I just got me an ECMspy cable today and am about to download the software. I am going to do a TPS reset for sure. I've got a custom exhaust on the bike and stock air filter and was suggested to do some logging and fuel maps on it as well. Does anyone have a link to a good writeup on how to do this (as I know nothing about this kind of stuff), I found a writeup and video about the TPS reset and some on race ECM/maps but haven't found anything good yet about doing logging and fuel map mods to the stock ECM.

3.) Whats the best way to detail these engines with the black wrinkle paint?

4.) The exhaust has an exhaust wrap on it, I hit the wrap with some black engine enamel (white looked bad) and somehow my tape/aluminum foil had a gap and a little spot got on the silver paint of the motor. What's the best way to remove it without messing up the factory silver paint?

5.) Exhaust air box mod- I found a writeup and am going to remove the snorkle tube into the frame and drill some holes in the bottom of the box to get better air flow. It's currently got the factory air filter. I know from other vehicles that the K&N filters let in more particles which leads to quicker engine wear and with 33k miles already I am thinking its best to stick with the stock filter and get a little less air flow and protect the motor, any other good mods to improve air flow?

6.) Recommended oil/primary fluid? I saw a lot like Mobil 1 V-Twin 20w50 for both, but also had some guys saying that Amsoil and others are better for the primary (Not trying to start an oil war, just looking on suggestions on what works best and provides the smoothest shifting in the primary from guys who have used more than one type of oil).

7.) On the frame pucks, are they just glued to the side of the frame? One of mine has a few scuffs on it and I'm a little OCD and would like to replace it eventually

8.) I have noticed when letting off the throttle and slowing down (when I'm not on the powerband and in lower RPMs like when slowing down for a stop light) I get a fair amount of vibes from the motor. Now my tuber vibrates like a SOB and I know that's normal but since the XBs are more refined I wanted to make sure it was normal and not something I need to look into. (Front isolator looks good to me compared to online pictures of what a good vs bad isolator looks like, doesn't vibe much at idle or under acceleration).

9.) With 33k and being well maintained, and with the previous owner having replaced the tires, replaced the belt, replaced the idler, replaced the steering head bearings, new brake pads and rotors, and replaced the front and rear wheel bearings within the past 1k miles. Are there any other things that typically go out or need replacing, adjusting, inspecting around this mileage?

I know that is a TON of questions and a long post, but any response to any of the above questions would be greatly appreciated.

Oil I've always used Mobil 1 20/50 in engine and Harley formula + in trans. But I bought amsoil for both holes this next change.

The oil pump gear changed in 06 I think.
I upgraded my 03 with it. But you can so something to visually inspect before digging in. I can't remember if you look through the oil filter hole or ??

Frame pucks have a special double sided tape ( probably just 3m tape)

There's no easy way to tune it on your own.
Unless you've got a ton of time. Tuniversity would be your best bet.
Not trying to start an oil war, just looking on suggestions on what works best and provides the smoothest shifting in the primary from guys who have used more than one type of oil
Ha, that's like saying "not meaning to set this bomb off", as you hold a lit match to the fuse! :D

Check your primary chain slack; it's often the source of unusual engine vibes.
Thanks rah, I just looked up the tuniversity and I can buy a race ECM for less than that costs (which I know probably wouldnt be as closely matched to my bike but I am on limited funds here). What about uploading the Race Maps into my stock ECM and then doing a TPS reset and not bothering with the fuel logging? Or should I just do a TPS reset and leave it the way it is til I can afford a race ECM?

go cytocis, thanks for the tip, I plan on adjusting the primary chain this weekend so I will be able to eliminate that from the list.

Thanks guys,
Since you have the new belt, I wouldn't bother upgrading to the new pulley/belt unless it fails. You probably have the upgraded belt anyway.

you can eliminate the kickstand switch which came on the 03's and can be a PITA. Also can do the kickstand upgrade(there's a DIY thread here) so it doesn't fail later on.

Most use 20w50, amsoil, royal purple, etc.
With 33k and being well maintained

stay on top of the maintenance, be proactive instead of reactive to it, follow the maintenance schedule as much as possible and you'll be fine
The oil pump gear changed in 06 I think.
I upgraded my 03 with it. But you can so something to visually inspect before digging in. I can't remember if you look through the oil filter hole or ??

simply remove pump and look thru drive hole. it is the driver gear...not the captive pump driven gear...that is possible wear culprit.
I'm a new xb9 owner as well and am wondering how often I should check that gear and at what mileage I should start checking?

I also had many of the same questions so most of my newbie questions have been answered.
do either of you have the service manual? try the link below the "Buellxb" header or buellmods.com, most if not all your questions will be answered in having it. if you have the low model, check out my pics, i have the supplemental parts catalog for the '03 posted there and if you need part numbers, let me know, also have the parts catalog

my '03 9s has the snorkel removed, K&N filter, race ecm and exhaust, so no mods needed there. bought her with 2500 miles on the clock, she now has over 64k:D
no, had the cases split earlier this year and inspected it, looked fine, so reinstalled it...
why in the world would you not have the updated gear installed? i have to admit anything that can cause catastrophic engine failure freaks me out. in my eyes anything that can cause a engine failure like that and is a known problem should be recalled. i'm getting away from Suzuki cause of this, every suzuki i have owned has felt like i riding a ticking time bomb. keep in mind i've had all suzuki dualsports.

but anyways, i haven't researched the topic enough but it certainly seems like there are enough people having failures that if the engine was out the gear should be replaced. maybe i'm wrong... i am a newbie after all. i also have to ask... what oil have you been running?

thatnks all the info..... ive gathered a bit here so far in the little time i've had to research.

BTW if anyone reads this and they have a cheese grater for sale i need one rewally bad. i just rode home on wet roads and my whole back is soaked.

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