Looking for someone to confirm my thoughts.
The stock ECM on my City X has a single spade connector between the black and gray plugs. This has a single white wire that connects to it. The race ECM I picked up ( for 03'-07' XB9's) does not have the spade connector between the black and gray plugs. Now I know this is not the "white wire" everyone disconnects on the 9 engines that wire is in the gray plug. From looking at the wiring diagrams and the FSM it appears this wire is for the interactive exhaust, obviously a XB9 does not have the interactive exhaust valve. My guess is just leave the wire unplugged for the race ECM. Can anyone confirm this or does anyone know what that wire controls on a XB9?
The stock ECM on my City X has a single spade connector between the black and gray plugs. This has a single white wire that connects to it. The race ECM I picked up ( for 03'-07' XB9's) does not have the spade connector between the black and gray plugs. Now I know this is not the "white wire" everyone disconnects on the 9 engines that wire is in the gray plug. From looking at the wiring diagrams and the FSM it appears this wire is for the interactive exhaust, obviously a XB9 does not have the interactive exhaust valve. My guess is just leave the wire unplugged for the race ECM. Can anyone confirm this or does anyone know what that wire controls on a XB9?