XB9sx not shifting up to 2nd

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May 20, 2017
Just got the bike yesterday, but I rode it for 20-30 minutes Friday with no issues. I rode it 15 miles home yeaterday and when I pulled into my street I was unable to shift into 2nd. I can go from neutral to 1st and vice versa with no issues. Clutch works as it should. It was set up for GP shift with a lever straight to the shift rod. I got the stock setup with the bike and put it back on yesterday, however that did not fix the issue. Any ideas on the issue or what to look for? Thanks.
Either a spring came off the shift shaft, or the more likely (unless you dropped the bike and then it started to not shift) the shift shaft is worn.

If you didn't drop it, are there signs of it being dropped on the left side?

The shift shaft is in the primary cover, good idea to change fluids anyways. Pull off the cover and the shift shaft should have 2 springs on it, both with a little tension on them.



Should be able to see it with the clutch still on, but if the little stop that the arms rest on is worn, it needs to be replaced
Awesome. I'm a visual guy, so those pictures are a great help. I will probably pull the primary cover Tuesday. It's a shame the bike just got all new fluids, but atleast it's just a quart. If it's worthy to note the issue started directly after an early 3-2 downshift (caused the pre-high side jerk). It went smoothly into gear but were I'm used to the R6 I should have slowed a bit more before the downshift. Also the bike had been dropped lightly before, but on the right side. No evidence of left side drop.
I got off work a bit early and pulled the primary cover. I don't see anything that looks really out of place to me. The spring on the upper pawl looks slightly shorter than lower one, but I can't tell much about the pawls with the clutch on. I snapped pictures figuring someone might see something I don't. Also I forgot I was having a lot of false nuetrals the day prior. I was attributing it to the shifter setup, but maybe it's relevant to the issue.


Looking now if the stop didn't stop the upper pawl the spring would not have tension (as it possibly appears in the picture). If that's the case I should be able to use some needlenose pliers and pull the pawl even further in the direction that would slack the spring. This might help me figure it out before removing the clutch, which I think I will have to do regardless. If that were the case that would also affect upshifts as it does, but also wouldn't that keep me from going into neutral from 1st?
I guarantee the pawl skipped over the stop. And when that happens, you can flip it back over, but it will happen again. I would suggest replacing it.
Really glad to have your reassurance on that. I knew it was going to have to be opened up no matter what so I went ahead and ordered all the primary related gaskets and seals (along with a few springs just in case since they were just a few bucks) from Ronnie's HD. I just ordered a used shifter assembly on EBay (the pictures looked like it was in really good shape). Didn't want to spend the $200 at the moment, because looking at the pictures I believe I may be able to do some machining on it and repair the stop.
The rod is supposed to be here in a few hours so I went ahead and broke it down. Was relieved to see this.

Well really friggin aggravated now. The new shift rod was scheduled to come in today. It didn't arrive and when I checked the tracking code it was stuck in Colorado somewhere. I went ahead and repaired the old one. I drilled out the stop and pressed in a new hardened pin and put a tack weld on the back. I started to put everything back together and realized I had some wrong parts. I assumed that an '05 Sportster primary cover gasket and shift rod seal would be the same, but apparently not. I cleaned and reused the old primary cover gasket with a skim of black Permatex RTV. I just left the shifter seal out since I can install that with the primary cover installed. Also went ahead and adjusted the primary chain. I then went to put the clutch cable back on and the threaded portion spun right off. Going to have to cut the cable and use an EZ out the get it out.