XBLights vs Clear Alternative, video

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
Well, even though my bike isn't complete I wanted to mount up what I use to have the CA incorporated LED light and compare it to the XBLights #6 incorporated LED light I have now. The video speaks for itself, but if you want to view a few more side by side pictures on other bikes from stock to the XBLights LED.

Here is a link to the site, which is also quick linked on the side bar.


Here are some pics out of the bike before the video. Not this is sealed so no worries about water. I never had any water issues with the CA, but I was only ever stuck in the ran maybe 4 times. Now I don't even need to think about it.





Night and day, made my choice for when I cut my cheese grater. If only there could be another XB lights giveaway;) Thanks X
You can get a discount two different ways. if you send in your light housing saves you $20, then if you send a check to pay for the light with the housing, saves another $10. Both of these speed up the process and help Robert from needing to order parts and keep from getting hit on paypal fees.
nice review! i know which one i will be getting. i was very curious to see how much brighter the xb lights were. i think this just solidified my decision. thanks xtreme!
Brandon, this is an awesome comparison! Very very nice! You are the man!

I've been telling people for years that the Clear Alternatives brand is junk. But I don't think most people believed me since I'm "XB-Lights"

You have done what I have been telling myself to do for a couple years now haha! great vid!

A side note on the comparison...

The light that Brandon is running from XB-Lights has a tinted lens on it. This blocks about 20-25% of the light output. the Red LEDs shine great through a clear or red lens, But the smoked takes the brightness down a hair. But still good enough for most people (such as Brandon here).

Now the AMBER LEDs for the signals shine best through a clear lens, and okay on a smoked (again minus roughly 25%) but the Amber through the red lens is not very good at all (not a good idea to be your only rear signal set) But if you want a red lens, we can do red LEDs for the signals which go through the red lens great!

I appreciate the positive feedback!
Ride safe everyone!
this is (and has been) on my list of what I need/want for my Buell & riding gear & other things to buy !!! high up on the list , too.
geat review video X.
Brandon, i started to put the vid on my site this morning, but figured I better ask first.

Do you mind if I use it as your review?

Yes I'm a few years behind but just canceled my CA order to go with XBlights, no comparison. Thanks B.

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