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Made something up at work yesterday, needs to have the threaded area milled down another 1/8" and it will be set for powder coat. Figured after laying my bike down last time and having the seat rail get ground to hell these would be a great add on.

Are those my axle sliders?[confused]
I tried to go on with life, but every time I look at that picture up above I come back to wondering what that blue thing is standing up in the corner of your garage???
The blue thing is just a pool nerd thing around the handle on my jack so if it pops up while working on my truck it won't dent or ding the sides. [up]
I ******* love saggy lobes. If I had my choice, my lobes would be much bigger (but without jewelry, I'm not interested in wearing plugs anymore). Unfortunately, my professional future may not be as big of a fan, and it might be time for reconstruction.

Octo bet I have you on this though, I had a 00g barbell in my tongue wore it for a couple weeks then figured I gauged it to the size I wanted then took it out. Now I hate tongue piercings, LOL

We're actually tied on that, and I have the scar to prove it! Stretching your tongue is a weird feeling, eh? Such a strange mix of pleasure and pain.

I also had 00 in my septum, after having it dermal punched at 8 mm. Never wanted to heal, though, so I got tired of it and pulled it out. I'm not interested in piercing at all, anymore, but I still miss that one.
A guy that I train mma with had the ear loops and had to take them out to train and got tired of them. He went and had a consult with a plastic surgeon to fix the saggy ear lobe and it was going to cost him $9000!! He left it and they stayed all saggy, then one got torn while training and he had to have them done after that.
Here is another walk around, found a loose oil line but other than that things seem pretty good, need to tighten up a thing or two but pretty much set for paint and the tune[up]

LOL.. No Sandro those are gauges in his ear lobe.

Yet another marketing plan for me!! Not only can I make Buell accessories but accessories for Buellers!! :D
Very nice looking bike X!
What all did you have to do to get your front fairing to be angled that way?
You're going to quickly find that the HID units that have a hi/lo feature (like an H4) actuated by a mechanical armature have an incredibly high failure rate. Getting a good and reliable bi-xenon setup is not cheap (read: hundreds of dollars). There's a reason that most people choose to replace the hi/lo feature with a two individual bulbs for reliability and affordability.
For the time being I am running just a stock bulb in the high beam housing. I am searching for a dual filament bulb to fit in the stock housing then I can just wire it accordingly but I have had no luck finding a dual filament bulb [confused]

My concerns are in line with what is known about the failure of the HID single bulb hi/low also with just running a single filament bulb since I would be SOL if I burnt out a bulb at night with no alternative.
Thoughts about using a TRS (theretrofitsource) true bi-xenon projector? I realize that you'd have to make it watertight...
Got this in the mail today! Plans for it are to have it rewrapped with a custom cover and some stitching [up]

It looks custom already with all that writing on it ! WTF ! good thing your re-covering it .
Tge writing is just yellow wax pencil.

I decided to have it recovered to match the stock look. The cover had a couple tares in it so I just had te guy match what is on it with a slightly shinier black but no strap.

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