Your first Buell sighting?

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First time I saw a Buell was in the spring of '05. I was getting ready to leave school, about to get in my truck, and heard this amazing rumble when a guy started his bike. I turned around and just watched and listened as he rode off, it was all yellow and was a tube frame. It wasn't until several years later that I figured out it was a Buell.

Since then I've only seen, maybe, enough Buell's to count on two hands.
The first time I saw a Buell was in Mason City, Iowa around 1995. I was at the snowmobile grass drags and there was a new yellow jacket pearl S2 there. I looked it over for a long time....beautiful color and carbon fiber bits.
My brother coming down the driveway with his 08 firebolt. I was drooling, shortly after i got my 04 firebolt.

I was down in PA dating my now wife, and for some reason went into the Harlye dealer in Quackertown. They had a brand new 2000 Millennium X1 in the window i could not stop drooling over. 8 years later i finally bought an X1 and its been true love ever since. It was tough, cause i went to buy an XB but came across my low mileage tuber and had to have it. Plan on an XB in the near future as well for a stable mate.
The first time I saw a Buell was in Gainesville, FL. I was coming down 39th ave, and in the southbound lane I see this mean looking, all black XB streetfighter that sounded like a beast. As it passed I thought it was the most unique and appealing design I've seen on any streetbike. After that, anytime I see dual motorcycle headlights coming towards in me in town, I hope it was that same damn Buell again so I can drool some more. Now I own a 06 BLACK XB9sx and I have perma-chub in my pants.
First time I saw a Buell, not quite sure when it was, late 90's, definitely between 97-99...My Dad was friends with a local Harley Shop owner and one day we stopped by for some parts (so he could fix his '93 FXRS) they asked my Dad if he wanted to test ride one of the new Buells and give his opinion on it afterwards. I think it was a white Cyclone, cant really remember, but I saw it when he took it out and brought it back (yes, I was like 12 and was left to wander the HD store while he was out riding :p) After that, they got my old man to test ride a couple other models (including the S1 Lightning) as newer models came out.

First time I saw a Buell I wanted though, I was in southern Alabama (attending military flight school) and there was a Firebolt at the Dothan HD I really wanted, but I couldnt afford the insurance on it at the time. Low and behold a couple years later I saw my '05 Lightning XB9SX at Harley Davidson of Baltimore and wound up leaving on it. Been enjoying it ever since.
The first time I seen one I was a small kid (not sure what age but since I am the same age as buell the company there is no telling) I was in a local bike shop that mostly delt with customs and choppers but in the corner for sale they had a black rs1200 with the flip up seat and I could not stop staring at it and looking at every inch of it and then and there i knew Buell was the bike company for me...It was an american sport bike. I loved watching ama road racing as a kid but knew my dad and grand father would not condone me owning a jap bike. Then in 96 the S1 lightning came out and my dad was one of the first 50 people to own one and there was no looking back I would not be happy owning any other bike. Since I have been an adult and able to ride street bikes I have owned 4 street bikes and 3 of them have been buells. I would be willing to own other brands now but mostly only European bikes or and EBR.
As a kid I grew up listening to blink 182 and Tom delonge became pretty much my idol. So as I got older and got into motorcycles, I noticed Tom delonge and David Kennedy always rode them and I loved the sound. From then on I knew
I'd own one. That was when I was 16. Now I purchased
My first Buell, a beautiful 2006 xb12r firebolt. I love it and
Everyone when they see it loves it!!
When I was in high school, I had a few friends that bought Ninja 250's. I knew then that I wanted a bike. Mom said no. The better part of a decade later in the summer of '08, at some point, I convince myself that it was time for a motorcycle. That's a large purchase so I did my usual protocol from there, research. Talking to a friend from work, he asks me what kind of bike I want to get. I wasn't really sure yet, in my opinion Harley's were for dirt bags and the flashy green and yellow fairing cladded ones were a little much.
"I don't know. On GTA San Andreas there's a bike that you occasionally can steal that sounds like raw horsepower, or a muscle car. There are no fairings, just tank, frame, tires, and a seat. That's my style I think. Don’t know if it’s something I’d have to build or…"
"You need to look up Buell!"
I did, and fell in love with way the Lightning was shaped and styled. I found myself at the Harley dealership nearest me immediately. I wanted the Scg. The dude answering my never ending questions told me I was too big and would be better off with the S. He’s still the only guy there that I’ll take completely seriously when talking about my bike. 2007 XB12S Cherry Bomb Red was my pick. It’s the only vehicle I’ve bought without a test drive, but I’m a driver and I knew I’d like it, I had complete faith in myself to learn it at my own pace. Three years later, I still love it and would like to move somewhere that I could ride it all year long, and get more bikes. The warranty’s been up and we’ve hit the pavement once so now I’m really starting to do some modding. I love these machines, and sure my buddy’s RC51 is fast but mine’s awesome in the literal meaning of the word.

(Yes, half fictional motorcycles in a video game lead me here.)
The first I heard of a buell was 2 or so years ago when my cousin told me of an incredible race bike that a friend of his had built for an ameteur race circuit or something like that. He rode a lap or two on this Buell around Road Atlanta, not quite sure which model it was. Then, last summer before deploying to Okinawa I knew a guy that lived down the street from me that owned an XB9R. He asked if I wanted to got for a spin on it, which of course I did. After that 10-15 minute ride around the base and a little bit on the H3 up to Kaneohe and back I fell head over heels. The whole time I was in Japan I was browsing Craigslist for one on the island. Then, literally a week before we left to come back to Hawaii, after a 6 month deployment, one popped up. A Hero Blue XB9SX, that is now pretty much my favorite thing in the world.
Of all places in the whitehorse YUKON Canada some grungy biker guy was on of EBR's original bikes . about 20 years ago.
I chased Bubba down scared the liven crap outta him
offered him a large amount of cash for the bike on the spot ..... He said No ........ Not for sale Kinda funny considering I bought two for half the price I offered him
1990 at Daytona Bike week, a blue RR1200, I think, but didn't know I wanted one 'till the XB's came out.
When my buddy (who is a harley master tech) bought and rebuilt a wrecked xb9r and painted it neon green. i had no idea what a buell was. when he started it up with the special ops pipe all i could do was smile. sold my SV650s that year and bought a xb12r shortly after :)
I went into A Harley dealership (Mann's in Taylorsville, IN) while I was out shopping with the parents for a new pair of Biker Blues (Remember them?). It was about 2004 when they first came out and I was JUST out of college. There, in the front of their showroom was a Blue/Amber XB12R. I told myself I would have one, and about 5 years later, I took delivery on my black S, but I'm slowly making it into my R
I know this is an old one but ours worth bring back from the dead. Great stories by the way.
first off I've always rife motorcycles since I was 15. my first bike was the honda rebel 250. I love that rebel but after high school I got a honda shadow 500. I ended up totaling that bike and was in the hospital for quite some time. You know in a comma and stuff. after that event ended up getting a honda shadow 1100 ace. At that time I was 19 years old and when on a mission from my church for 2 years in Alabama. I was missing my motorcycle riding days so I would cruise the internet and look at motorcycles. that is where I discovered buell and the xb series. I fell in love. it was the best of both worlds cruiser sound and sportbike handling. I knew then (2003) that I had to have one.
the first time I saw 1 in person was when I was walking the streets in alabama and I saw a white xb 9 r with the blue hero rims. It was amazing. It only took me 8 years to get one but now I have a 2004 xb 12 r and Im loving every second of it.
Late 90's Harley Dealer here in georgia. i think I saw the a S1 and my first reaction was WTF is that doing in here. A few years ago I saw one go buy and was like dang what was that?? It was an XB and it sounded and looked badass. I like sport bikes and I like v-twins. Best of both worlds and I knew I wanted/needed one:D

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