When I was in high school, I had a few friends that bought Ninja 250's. I knew then that I wanted a bike. Mom said no. The better part of a decade later in the summer of '08, at some point, I convince myself that it was time for a motorcycle. That's a large purchase so I did my usual protocol from there, research. Talking to a friend from work, he asks me what kind of bike I want to get. I wasn't really sure yet, in my opinion Harley's were for dirt bags and the flashy green and yellow fairing cladded ones were a little much.
"I don't know. On GTA San Andreas there's a bike that you occasionally can steal that sounds like raw horsepower, or a muscle car. There are no fairings, just tank, frame, tires, and a seat. That's my style I think. Don’t know if it’s something I’d have to build or…"
"You need to look up Buell!"
I did, and fell in love with way the Lightning was shaped and styled. I found myself at the Harley dealership nearest me immediately. I wanted the Scg. The dude answering my never ending questions told me I was too big and would be better off with the S. He’s still the only guy there that I’ll take completely seriously when talking about my bike. 2007 XB12S Cherry Bomb Red was my pick. It’s the only vehicle I’ve bought without a test drive, but I’m a driver and I knew I’d like it, I had complete faith in myself to learn it at my own pace. Three years later, I still love it and would like to move somewhere that I could ride it all year long, and get more bikes. The warranty’s been up and we’ve hit the pavement once so now I’m really starting to do some modding. I love these machines, and sure my buddy’s RC51 is fast but mine’s awesome in the literal meaning of the word.
(Yes, half fictional motorcycles in a video game lead me here.)