Full Fairings Set 1125R Opinions, Pros or Cons

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2010
I am thinking about picking up a set of the Buell factory fairings for my 2009 1125R. Anyone on here have them? I live in South Florida so I am concerned about heat.

They look nice, do they help? They don't appear to interfere with your riding position or legs but do they?

Opinions?? Pros/Cons
For a little more you can get the FULL fairing kit from Catalyst Racing Composites. The stock Buell fairings are side fairings not full fairings since there is not a belly pan. Plus the fiberglass one looks way better and will not melt like the stock one.

Neither intefere with riding position.
Redliner is correct. I have the Buell Fairing lowers on my 1125. They look nice in my opinion, but I have had some issues with them. The header runs awful close to the plastic, and the heat shield works, butyou really have to bend a few of the mounts in order for it to not melt the plastic in certain parts. It does not interfere with riding position, and they actually go over the existing pods, and do not replace them like I had originally thought.I am thinking about the full fairing kit from Catalyst myself.
any pictures of the 1125R with the Catalyst Racing fairings. The price list mentions them but can't find a pic.
This is mine. Its a custom paint job but the fiberglass comes primed and ready to go. It will still need some prep.

It comes with dzus fasteners but you WILL need to fabricate more brackets and spacers and drill your own holes. Its worth it though. If you get them, I will post how I did all mine.

Thanks Redliner- That looks great. I am still not sure what route I will go, if at all for that matter, but will get in touch if I decide on the Catalyst.

So, agfish. If you go with the Catalyst, what do you want for the buell lowers??
Also, check out flexi-glass.com for lowers. They are definitely different, but they dont have pics up of all the parts.
Try flexi-glass fairings. I think they would work cause the pods are included in the lower. The catalyst one has the pods included in the upper which you dont need.
So, agfish. If you go with the Catalyst, what do you want for the buell lowers??

I havent fully decided to 86 them yet. and I dont exactly have the money to get the catalyst ones right now. havent really thought about it to be honest.
I like them. When I bought my bike they had the lowers on it at the dealership and wanted the same price as the other 1125R without them.

To me the Catalyst fairings dont seem to flow as well with the rest of the body work. Heres a couple pics of mine:


Looks like you live somewhere HOT. Does it feel like it might run hotter with them on (have you ever had them off)? Have you noticed any "hot spots" or melted areas on them where they might be gettin hot underneath?

Yeah it gets pretty hot here in Southern NM, will be over 100 for a couple weeks straight over the summer. I have yet to take them off, only had the bike a couple months. The plastic does look like it "molded" a little around the stock muffler, but it hasnt gotten any worse since I first noticed it. I think once I get the Barker exhaust it wont be as close to the plastic, its only close in one spot now.

Mine started to melt the plastic at the opening (upper circle) and there is a slightly noticable bubble (really faint) where the second circle is. I had to wrap my headers to reduce the heat.
The lower circle is where mine melted. Its really faint also, almost looks like its supposed to be there.
The upper melting point only happened because I took it to get serviced and the jack ***** lost the little spacer that went on the front mount for it, so it made it rub directly on the header. I was a ******* and didnt really check the clearance levels prior to taking it on a 120 mile ride.
gman - I dont mind the stock fairings I just think they screwed up by not adding a pan on it, so to me the stock ones flow well until the bottom where it drops off. I dont mind the way it looks with the aftermarket exhaust to much but, I just like how there are a lack of 1125r's with the catalyst kit.

I actually think the CR (being a streetfighter of sorts) looks better w/o a full fairing. Kinda a like a Tuono, and you wouldnt put a fairing on the Aprilia would you? lol jk