Wits End Starter Issue

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2009
Before I totally tear apart the whole bike and pull my hair out; I need some help. I have a starter issue that has been developing slowly over the summer and fall. It has gotten so bad that the bike won't start when cold now unless I put my charger on it and set it to the jump setting. Once warm the bike starts easier but still exhibits the symptoms. Trying to start the bike cold i get a fast paced clicking of the starter solenoid. This happens with a full charge on the battery. I bought a brand new battery. My first though was bad ground. I have checked, cleaned, dielectric greased, and tightened every ground. When this happens the clock resets to 1:00 causing me to think the ground issue. I had a Harley tech come over and we bypassed the electrical system by jumping with jumper cables from the ground on the battery to the engine case and from the positive to the positive post on the starter. We took the solenoid out of the equation by depressing it by hand. The bike cranked VERY slowly, like it was drawing a lot of amperage. The primary chain is adjusted correctly. I pulled the starter out and took it to have it tested today. It tested out fine loaded and unloaded. Does anyone have any ideas?
have you tried replacing the starter relay?
there just plain automotive ones around 5 bucks.
How many cca is the new battery?
these bikes take alot of amps on cold strarts
I am going to go get a new relay today after I get it back together. It is the correct Harley replacement battery, so it should be correct. Thanks for the help.
It starts reluctantly when I jump it off my charger. It is the only way I can start it actually when it's cold.
I'm thinking the battery is bad, wether new to you or not, sometimes they sit on shelfs a long time
That's what I thought at first, but I have two new and tested batteries. I also pulled a battery off of another bike with no starting issues. Same problem.
I am also having starter issues, but Im intrigued by yours being in the cold weather. Mine would start sometimes and then sometimes click in the fall, now it just keeps on clicking like the wheel of fortune.

My post: Starter Issues
now it just keeps on clicking like the wheel of fortune
That's almost always a sign of a battery on it's way out. Take to Autozone and test under load, it's free.

Josh - After you've fully charged you're battery, let it sit a day or so, check with a multimeter (no-load) and make sure you're not "leaking" voltage through a shorted wire somewhere. It may be that the battery & start system is fine, but while the bikes sitting in between rides it's losing voltage through a short somewhere.
It does it even after the battery has a full charge with the charger still hooked up to the battery. The only way I can get it to start is to jump it. And by cold start issue I mean 60 degrees. Winter in Portland in my garage isn't too cold. Thanks everyone for their input.
That's almost always a sign of a battery on it's way out. Take to Autozone and test under load, it's free.

Already did that, they said it passed and was good.
Check the chassis ground make sure they are clean and tight. The extra voltage from a jumper or charger could be helping jump the gap so to speak.
+1 on the grounds could also have to much resistance on the power side.have you checked voltage on both starter wires while cranking?i should have read your whole post have you had any work done lately.oil weight to heavy for winter,combustion pressure to high,breathers plugged up,reed valve stuck,internal engine problems.
I just about have everything ready to go back together. I bought my gaskets and relay from HD today. I measured the resistance across the hot wire and it came out to .3 ohms. I am going to replace this wire just as a way to exclude it. I did make sure to clean the chassis grounds very well when I had it apart, so it shouldn't be that. Thanks.
IF the relay doesn't fix it you need to find a starter repair shop have them put a set of contacts in it.
The harely starter is just like a dodge minny van it is built by mitsubishi.
My starter repair guy fixs them all the time for 20 bucks .
I going to see if i can find an exploded view.
Thanks for the advice. I disassembled the starter and cleaned everything up really well. I am planning on putting it all back together in the next few days and hoping for the best.

look familiar?

I am not 100% sure.But i think it is under the selnoid cap there is a contac plate that starts to get touchy.
If either of you guys need one and can't get one locally .I have a buddy that runs a starter altnator repair shop he took over from his dad years ago.
Normally has them in stock i can get one and ship it to you. I know there less than 20 bucks because thats what i pay installed