hid headlight timer relay or dpdt relay problems? need help

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
I'm trying to rewire my 09 xb12r the way that kajer did his HID redux mod but I got the flasher rewired and now I'm trying to figure out how to wire in this dpdt relay and I can't get it to work at all. anyone have any ideas or something else I can try i'm gettin frustrated just trying to figure this out now.
I did something very similar to my r and wish I wasn't TDY right now and I'd come over (or vice versa) and help you out first hand. But since I can't here goes.

First off - what have you done with the high-beam flasher so far?

The circuit that kajer came up with uses the flasher button as a relay to supply power to the relay. You need to find the "switched wire" coming from the highbeam flash button in the harness and use it. It'a bit hard to find, but I found it inside the black sheath. Also, there are two places that the wire goes to, if I remember correctly - I'm not 100% sure of where they go again. You'll have to check the wiring diagram for that one.

You then wire the switched portion of the flasher button to the coil of the relay along with a ground wire. When you hit the flash button, you should now hear the relay click. Next, take the low beam wire power wire (from the battery) and connect it to both commons. Connect one of the normally open outputs to the ballast and connect the other output back to the coil where the flasher button wire is connected to (make sure you don't accidentally connect it to the ground wire!).

This *should* create a circuit that does the following:
1) push the flasher button
2) the coil energizes
3) the commons get connected to the normally open terminals supplying battery power to the normally open contacts
4) the HID ballast receives power from one of the normally open contacts
5) the coil stays energized from the power coming from the other normally open contact.

Hope that helps.

Ben K.
Be sure to modify your bike in such a way so that if something doesn't go right, you can very easily convert it back to stock.

If you can't get it work, I'd be more than happy to help you out more. And of course if all else fails, when I get back I'll stop by and give you a hand. [up]
im still a bit lost. I did the first part of kajer's diagram white wire from flasher to yellow and then moved on to relay. i'm lost on the relay because I have constant power to blue wire and have no yellow wire to lights.
Ignore the color of the wires for a minute as I believe the "s" and "r" models are different.

If you have a multimeter, check to make sure the wire you used from the flasher button gives you +12V when you push the button. Then go from there as I have described and you should be fine. Wire colors may not even be consistent for all model years either.

Hope that helps.
the wires matched up for the switch but them when I get down to the connector for the harness to lights this is the order from harness..... blue, white, black, orange. orange and blue are always constant when ignition is on and blue goes to yellow on other side of connection goin to lights. I think I got the wrong dpdt though, I reread kajers post and it says not to get the 120v coil dpdt which is what I got. what one do I need to get since this is the only one I saw
12v, not 120... if you use the steps I sent you, you should be able to use a regular relay as well - you shouldn't have to use a dpdt.
I got the 12v from what the package says and then I look at the markings on the back and it say 115/120 VAC Im pretty sure. I've spent 2 days trying to wire this up and I cant figure it out. What should I get for a relay? where would you recommend getting it from? and would you want to help on this as I'am not the greatest at electrical?
oh and the other thing I was stumped about is the white wire going to the flasher that I rewired to go to the low beam yellow, the yellow wire ends at the connector going from the LH switch and there is no yellow coming out of connector to harness, its a blue wire. I can put a circuit tester on the yellow wire turn ignition on and hit the flasher and it has power going to the yellow wire at that time but the power stops there and there is no yellow wire going from switch to harness to lights. The blue wire starts at the switch connector and then goes to harness to lights and on the lights side of the connector it changes back to yellow.
I won't be back from TDY until the end of May - I'd be more than willing to come over.

Um...I don't follow your last post at all, sorry. I'm terrible at following wire colors - I'm used to cars where the wire colors never match up correctly, so I use a multimeter to test which wires I want/need.

I looked at the wiring diagram for the firebolts last night and had some trouble following their diagrams. I've got the service manual at the house and looking at it is definitely easier than looking at the wiring diagram online.
BTW - I think it took me a few hours to accurately wire up my relay, so don't get too frustrated. Take a step back and look at the wiring diagrams in the maunal. Try to follow the wire for the flasher switch in the wiring diagram. Then go out to the bike and find and trace that wire - mark it.

Then do the same for the headlight power wire. Overall you should be looking at only three wires - the flasher wire, the headlight power wire, and the ground.
That's a pretty good one as well. Probably a little easier to wire up - but of course it can only be set to a delay. The other mod requires you to "activate" your low beam through a switch. Which ever you like better works though. Thanks for the link!

I used a DEI 611T coupled to a relay so that I could turn off the lowbeam again with the same switch.
ok thanks for the help I will update this as soon as possible after I try to figure out the wiring. I appreciate all the help wiring relays just isnt my thing sirius815 if at all possible you could contact me over the phone if I need some direction? Its easier to explain that way than typing. I get what your saying and understand the wiring diagrams but when I get to lookin at the wires on the bike itself it confuses me because of the power wire mostly.
If you go down to the low beam, look at the wires there - those two wires going to the headlight will be the wires you need for the common and the ground connection. Notice that you'll basically cut the power wire in half and place the battery end on the common of the relay and the ballast on the normally open contact. From there, you'll need a small jumper to go from one of the normally open contacts to the coil portion.

Of course you'll also have the flasher switch wire going to the coil and the ground wire as well.

Hope that helps - might be easier that way - more room to work with as well.
Oh - you said you already found the flasher wire correct?

If not, I just remembered that I ended up pulling a new wire through the harness almost all the way up to the switch because it was easier for me...just a thought.
I'll pm you my number if you could call me that would be great I had the same idea but found more schematics in the manual so i need a second opinion.
I googled the 'kajer wiring mod' but couldn't come up with anything? Can someone help with the link? It's been referred to in multiple HID threads, but I couldn't find the actual thread?

Thanks in advance.
