They say I'm crazy

Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
I just traded in my Electra Glide for a Buell XB12scg. All my friends and wife say I'm insane to get rid of a Harley for a piece of junk. I've been a hard core Harley Davidson rider for years, just got tired of all there s##t. I love this bike its bad ass! Glad I found this chat room, not many Buells in this area. This motorcycle is fun to ride. Just like to know if anyone else takes s##t also. See you on the road.
Welcome to the sport world. The only problem I've had has been with a Harley employee who, when asked if I could order frame pucks for my 12s handed a parts book to me and told me "if you can find the part I'll order it for you". I just handed the book back to him and told him I'd take my business elsewhere. These bikes are tons of fun. As far as your friends are concerned. Tell them you'll listen to all their "opinions" the minute they can catch you on the road.
You know what, I grew up on the back of Harley's since I was like 5, my dad has 5 harley's in the garage and he thinks my XB12Scg is a bitchin mechanical wonder, he loves my Buell. I think that if you love Harleys or just even motorcycles then you have to at least respect the Buell.:)
And there is no way a glide is gonna take the corners like a buell.
wierd that in the u.s. the opinion on buell is so low.
you don't see that in europe...buell gets about the same respect as a harley rider.

i was surprised to see, when i visited the u.s. i could not find any buell related stuff. and that's in the land where the bike is made!
Most of the Harley riders I meet like it, you can watch the looks on their faces change from skeptisim to understanding as they start to relate to the mechanics of the bike.Also up at Laconia this year I got to listen to some dope give me s**t for not riding an American bike,I love people like that.
I thought I was nuts... I traded in aFully custom 72 Iron Head Show chopper on ebay for a New 12ss. I miss the 8ft long bucket of chrome to death but the experience i get on the buey is unmatched. F*** the haters and ride.
jackson08 go to too it's an other very nice buell forum.
I love my Buell, I even named her,"Betty". However I don't rip on any rider because of what bike he/she drives. And I am guilty of one thing,I would love to own (along with my Buell) a CBRR 600. Sweeeeet bike :)