Feeler: Aluminum Airbox delete kit

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
I'm thinking of offering a limited run of machined airbox delete "kits" consisting of a 1/4" plate cut to fit the contour of the air filter, and the necessary machine screws and standoffs to fasten it down in two places with flush, countersunk allen cap screws. This would be a bolt-up 30 minute mod that deletes the interior airbox cover.

Since this is a feeler, I'll also mention that I've got a "standard" design in aluminum with a beveled edge, but I'm open to other materials such as black/colored ABS plastic, translucent acrylic, etc. I can offer many different finishes from sandblasted to polished Alu. I can also distress/antique/petina for that "steam-punk" look. Variations of paint and vinyl masking are also on the table.

I currently have the aluminum prototype installed on my bike with Matter's freebie Black "Buell American Motorcycles" vinyl decal on it. I'll post pics soon.

I see there's been some friction around this board with people offering custom parts that parallel other vendor's parts, this is the same idea. It's also a fairly simple idea. I hope nobody thinks I've invented the airbox delete, I'm simply offering a fab service up here to gauge interest and spark creative modification of the original idea.

Right now the price looks like it's between about $100 and $150ish (USD) with material and my time.

Let me know if you're interested.

Technically Magic: design and fabrication
ASB offers it for 70$ plus shipping.

I think you need to reconsider if this is really worth it for the prices you've listed. The ASB version is very nice and super easy to install. There would have to be something about your product that was unique and above/beyond the ASB model for people to want to spend more.

I'm thinking if you can knock it down to 50$ plus shipping they'll go like hot cakes.

my 2 cents
I think I'll stick with my $8 airbox delete kit. $150 to get less power? You need to have the funnel above the velocity stack.
I just ordered the Airbox Delete kit w/ breather reroute nonsense from Americansportbike.com for $70.

Did I miss the $8 variety?
I just cut mine out

Look how crafty you are!!!

I'm not that awesome, I just buy crap and bolt it on.

Eric - Inside the Box Thinker
Well, this is why this is a feeler.

In regards to the comment about the "nipple" that channels air into the velocity stack, I have moulded my original airbox nipple with silicone rubber and will be casting solid plastic ones. They will be affixed with a bonding agent and one matching countersunk cap screw (if desired) or I can also include a vacuum-formed plate with nipple shape, adhered to the underside of the Alu. plate as a light-weight/alternative option.

I am offering the same part in the buyer's choice of material, finish, and hardware in a limited amount. I'm charging what it costs, that's why I included my signature as a custom fabricator, this is a custom part done to the buyer's spec's. Anyone may buy the ASB kit, or Ultimate airbox kit if they wish instead. They may absolutely cut up their own airbox as well. I'm not saying my product is better or worse than any other, I'm just saying what it IS.

For those with transparent airboxes, I thought this may be an attractive custom option. Also, I plan on designing a corresponding airbox exterior that allows the air filter to penetrate and show out the top in some fashion based on input from this board and gauged interest. This current mod would "dress up" the exposed air filter.

I appreciate everyone's feedback in this thread, and welcome constructive criticism.
If you were to make one similar to ASBs, except make it out of vacuum formed clear lexan or plexi. Have Matter make you some Buell decals that are a mirror image, and apply them to the under side of your plates. Paint the buttom, peel the decals. You'd be left with a clear buell emblem that can be lighted from inside the filter. That would sell for sure. [up]
Cool, didn't realize exactly what you were selling. After your last post I bet pics would be the next thing to do to get some more response's. I thought you were just selling something similar to the typical ASB product. My bad, good luck with the plates.
Dave, I like where your head's at, that'd be a simple matter of making a buck from my original airbox, vacuum-forming, decals and paint. No problem (if anyone is interested)

Adam, no problem. I want to be clear that normally I design and build as commissioned or contracted. This project I felt was better offered as a "product" with custom options and open to suggestion. Similar to Matter's thread for graphics.

I'll get pics up by tomorrow, the nipple part is what was holding me up, I've got plastic ordered from Smooth-On for another project that I'll be test-casting the nipple in, but I can show the plate mounted. I am offering to build to buyer's spec.s as well though so people can bear that in mind. I can't possibly prototype every idea, that's whats kinda cool about it. I figured people would have different ideas for themselves...

I don't want to become the next Buell aftermarket shop either, so between that fact, other projects I'm in the middle of, and buyer interest, this should stay "limited"
Here's a peek at the prototype. A few disclaimers, this was a piece of scrap Alu. so there are knicks here and there. I'll pop it off and show the standoffs, and nipple, once the nipple mould is finished.

This fits very snugly with just the two screws.







