XB12S Longer Fly Screen/Louder Horn

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2007
I am interested in finding out if anyone has added a longer fly screen. If so, where did you purchase it? I am also a little miffed by the squeeky little horn that comes with this bike. Has anyone changed their horn out?

I am a very new Buell Owner - 1 week and have ridden this awesome bike every day.
Since you are saying flyscreen I am assuming that you ride a Lightning. If so I have seen 2 different ones one of them is one (click here). The other one was not transluscent and didn't flare out at the top. Unfortunately I'm not sure where either one came from but there out there somewhere. As far as the horn goes I will be doing that mod myself in the very near future. It is located behind the flyscreen and it looks like there is room for a much bigger one in there so it looks like any 12 volt horn will work but I'll have to dig deeper to say for sure. Welcome aboard, I wish I could have been more helpful.
Yes, a Lightning. I did find a fly screen on American Sportbikes. I have the Val Orange bike, but they do not show that color on their website. Please let me know how the horn turns out for you. Thanks!
Thanks Zombie. I did see that black fly screen, but not the Val orange. I may email them to ask if they have a picture. Do you know if that air horn will fit? It sure is loud! :)
i highly doubt you can get an extended fly screen in the val orange. but you never know. best of luck.

im not sure if that horn would fit behind the fly screen where the stock horn is. the dimensions on it are 4.5x4.5x3 it does state on the web site that it will fit a buell (as well as almost every other make of bike). im gonna guess that it wont fit in the stock location. however im sure with a few beers in me and a roll of duct tape i could get it on my bike somewhere!!
See my posting on page 1 on the flyscreen, we manufacture the extension from any colour 'Perspex' and it can be painted, e mail me on [email protected][up]
I installed HID's on my 05 XB12S and had no place to put the horn, so I added the horns outside, they are FIAMM horns, very loud and they are not too conspicuous

