EcmSpy EEPROM's and Maps website

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Apr 5, 2010
Ok. I took the same old stock/race EEPROM's in that zip file that everyone has been tossing around and made a website so that all the EEPROM's (maps) are easily accessible to everyone; individually.

What I would like to see, however, are custom EEPROM's to put up there that reflect a tuned bike with specified mods. If you have a custom tuned EEPROM for me to put up there (and i am sure many will appreciate it), send it to my email below and include the year, model, and what mods you have done (ie. exhaust type, air filter type, add-ons, breather re-route mod, open airbox mod, etc). Please, only send me EEPROM's that are from a properly tuned bike with the specified mods. Thank you.

[email protected]
really cool idea and thanks for sharing as I did not have any of these but now when I get my ecmspy cable I can use those on my bike.
This is awesome, but you need to check with some legal issues. It says on the ECMspy website that it is illegal to host the ECMSpy software. I dont think there will be an issue with the EEPROMs just the program.

Awesome idea, I just dont want you to get in deep legal trouble over this.
I think legal problems are the least at the moment. Both the 2003 9 EEPROMS, loaded in ECMSpy 1.12.26 are wonky. I have my stock/race both saved plus mods. They load and burn fine. I wouldn't touch those 2 files with a 10' pole, they will brick your CB version ECM.

EDIT just to say these files may be fine for Tunerpro or some other tool. I think the idea is great, but let's not murder our bikes in the search for the ultimate tune. There is no magic bullet.
As far as legal....not worried.

@Livers - I dont own a 9, so I'm unable to test those. If you have the good ones for that year, by all means, send them my way and I will put them up. What was "wonky" about them? Did the maps look ok? Can't you load the EEPROM in EcmSpy and just burn the maps from them?
facts717 - by wonky, I mean ECMSpy loads them fine and the maps are all over the place:


There is additional header info in the file - once you trim that, I'd say the maps are fine. I think posting bare maps is fine, any tool should handle those.

EDITED to add I can send my files if needed, PM please.
The header from your 2003 XB9 race:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx0\tx959\tx1918\tx2877\tx3836\tx4795\tx5754\tx6713\tx7672\tx8631\f0\fs20 BUECB060 00-00-00\par

The header from my 2003 XB9 race:

BUECB060 05-22-02
Reihe: 1

I haven't a clue where the added data comes from, but ECMSpy doesn't like it.
Very cool of you to host this Facts. [up] Guys, he's not offering "magic" EEPROMs, never said he was. It's a resource to be used at your own discretion (and it says so on the opening page). But for many, many people, it's at least a STARTING point and a "bank" of some great user-created custom maps. For Pete's sake, let the guy contribute without beating him over the head with it.
Whoa. Nobody is beating him up. He had 2 bad files, I pointed that out and provided replacements. I'm on board with the idea, very much so.
Index of files/maps will be way more useful with user feed back, like Livers offered us. :)
Livers, thanks for the maps.

BTW, comments don't bother me. I usually take them with a grain of salt. And so I turned on the comments on the website for everyone to give feedback. Great idea.
so are the good ones on your site yet? Just curious as they are the ones I will need when I finally get around to getting a cable for my bike.
If you need my data files for all the xpr file for the ecm for tunerpro let me know.

I also have tunerpro talking with the ecm for datalogging.

Mark the tunerpro developer is adding in the data for it to read and write to the ecms.

This has been in the works for a while. soon we will release the adx file for the ddfi1 and ddfi2. next will be the files for the ddfi3. I am 80% done with the ddfi1 and 2. The ddfi3 will go faster since we will have learned whats needed already to apply that to the database.
For any of this to work you will need the tunerpro Rt V5 which is not released yet and will need to register it.

All this will be up and running from the website soon. it will be on my website, tunerpro website and ecmspy website.
DDFI1 and DDFI2 beta test is under way... not long now.

DDFI3 is 80% written waiting on some proofing and file conversions from mark at tunerpro so I can finish it for beta test.

2009 Buell XB12R
- opened airbox with K&N filter
- D&D style exhaust
- crankcase breather mod
- Wideband tuned AFR for 13.5 cruise, 13.0 WOT
- 600ft above sea level, 70'F avg temp, 50% avg humidity

Here is a copy of my front and rear maps.



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