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  1. F

    6-speed tranny ?

    I need this as well. I hear you re: 80+ with a Jardine. Takes about an hour to regain my hearing after riding to work / back. So is the general consensus the XB12R rear sprocket and belt will do the trick as far as giving you a little head room on the highway? (Sorry if that is incorrect...
  2. F

    6 speed / one-tooth up?

    Oh, guess I shoulda looked here: Sorry.
  3. F

    Firebolt Lowering Kit

    Wow, that is seriously sick. Curse you! I'll have to set aside some discretionary funds....
  4. F

    6 speed / one-tooth up?

    I doubted there were any 6-speeds, but I thought I'd ask. Down a tooth? Hmm, sorry, guess I had it wrong. So going down a tooth on the rear will give me more head-room (rpm-wise) at higher speeds? know of anyone that has done this or have any opinion on it? Also, got any advice on which...
  5. F

    me and my boys with the 9

    Awesome pics! I took some similar ones myself the day I brought it home, but I won't hijack your thread. Love that yellow!
  6. F

    6 speed / one-tooth up?

    So far the only complaint I have about the bike is highway cruising. Considering I bought the bike primarily for commuting (135 mile round-trip), it sees a lot of highway miles. So my question(s): Does anyone know of or ever heard anything about possible 6-speed conversions for these bikes? I...
  7. F

    Neutral light comes on while in gear

    Nah, been super hot and dry here (Colorado).
  8. F

    Neutral light comes on while in gear

    Looks like I might be hosting the manuals. More info on that later. On the original issue: drove all the way to work this AM and the neutral light stayed off as intended. I didn't do anything different. Odd.
  9. F

    Neutral light comes on while in gear

    Additionally on that service manual issue, I have tons of available web storage. If all you guys need is a place to host it, I'd be happy to do so for ya. - Matt
  10. F

    Neutral light comes on while in gear

    Well, I hope there's no hard feelings about that other forum. I also posted my question there, as I'm just eager to find a resolution. Buellysses: thanks for checking your service manual. Been trying to get my hands on one, but even the links here are no longer operational. I will have to try...
  11. F

    Neutral light comes on while in gear

    Recently, while cruising in 3rd through 5th gear, I'll happen to look down and notice the neutral light is on. while in gear. While moving. Shifting / downshifting does not clear it, but coming to a stop and shifting all the way down to 1st will turn it off. Anyone have any ideas what might be...
  12. F

    Mileage - WOW!

    Awesome, glad the results ARE typical. I wonder... do riders with the factory race kits get similar mileage?
  13. F

    Is this normal? (engine mount)

    Cool, thanks! I got to thinking about it after I posted and maybe it is that way for variance. ??
  14. F

    Is this normal? (engine mount)

    Just got around to washing the bike for the first time and this kinda caught my attention. Is the front engine mount supposed to stick out like this? Sorry for the dumb question (if it is), but it kinda struck me as odd. It doesn't seem to want to move, so maybe this is normal?
  15. F

    Paddock stands

    Sorry if that's not the popular term. That's what I've heard them referred to as in crotch-rocket circles. Huh, I guess I just assumed they'd be different for XB's since everything else is so proprietary. (That's not a bad thing.)
  16. F

    Mileage - WOW!

    Yeah, that's the fun part about my name.[smirk] Yup yup, I am very surprised. The guy I bought it from said I'd be looking at maybe 40MPG. I guess he didn't do an all-highway commute every day.
  17. F

    New XB9R Owner

    I like my vehicles loud, so the Jardine is fine by me. I'd go straight pipe if I could...[cool]
  18. F

    Paddock stands

    Sorry for the n00b question, but does anyone manufacture paddock stands specifically for the XB's?