03 XB9r Issues

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Well-known member
May 8, 2015
Florence AL
Ok so my bike won't start, even in nuetral, when the kickstand down. The fuel pump won't even come on but pull the kickstand up and there it is. Also, nuetral light stays on 24/7 now while riding. Help Plz!???
Sounds like your bike is fitted with a neutral safety switch. Either bypass it or always make sure your kickstand is up when you attempt to start your bike.
Do some searching and you'll find you're not the only one that had had this issue.
On the neutral switch issue... Have you checked the switch? It's located behind your front pulley cover. It's right behind the belt. Check to make sure it's connected and or the wires aren't frayed or broken.
Get back to is with what you find.
Also, get a service manual. Will save you a lot of time and heartache
Good luck
If your neutral light is on all the time then it's grounding out somewhere behind the front pulley. With that, it should start in any gear on 04+

03 stupid Ks switch causes a lot of issues.

Search for jumping the Ks switch.

Check relays & fuses as well, could be start to a junky fuel pump as well
JayDuke...I have an '03 9s and have owned it for 9 yrs now, not once has my side stand switch been an issue. the issues come from neglect of the bike, band aid fixes and or jerry rigging components. disconnect it from just above the side stand, inspect that the terminals are in place properly. next check for any frayed or wire that could have pulled away from the terminal...do the same to both male and female connectors. use emery cloth and contact cleaner if needed to clean the terminals, you can remove the terminals to do it right...up to you. you can use isopropyl alcohol if you don't have contact cleaner, works just as well. won't hurt the switch if you clean it also. test the switch with a multi meter...harbor freight cheapo will do fine: switch open should show infinite ohms, switch closed should show 0 ohms. if you get anything other than those readings, replace the switch. the neutral light is tied to Diode 1 and 2 to ignition relay to start relay. would make sure those are installed properly, check for any corrosion while at it, possibly need to change one or more of those. also check the clutch switch being that it's also completes the ground circuit.
do you have a service manual? if so, chapter 7, pages: 7-16 thru 7-19 is where you want to read thoroughly. page 7-16 has the wire diagram of the circuit, easy to follow.
again that ACC fuse feeds the neutral switch/light/kickstand/on the 03 xb9s/check that with the connection by the front drive pulley/they are all ziptied you might find a suprise
So is it possible I am getting a power leak after changing out my tai lights? I will check all these suggestions as well just got home from a long trip and two back to back log work days.