03 XB9S TPS reset problems

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Mar 2, 2017
I have an 03 XB9S, and I've just done a tps reset on it using ecmspy. This caused the bike to idle very badly. On startup it will run at about 1k rpm, and very quickly drop down to around 850. From there, it will continually drop lower and lower until it stalls. Additionally, if I apply any throttle, it bogs down and stalls. I have a K&N filter and stock exhaust. It's running on the stock tune as well. Not sure what exactly the problem is. I would assume that this means there is not enough fuel being given at idle. I tried using the throttle stop screw to adjust, but I've been able to adjust it all the way in and out and it has no effect on the idle.
Any insight on this is greatly appreciated, as I would love to have a running bike!
How did you perform the reset? Try again. Back out adjuster until tps reads zero. Snap throttle a few times to ensure it’s at zero. Hit the reset button. Now adjust to 5.5 or so. Readjust after temps reach about 180 or after a 10-15 min ride.
I backed out the adjuster until it read zero. I snapped the throttle to ensure it was at the stop. Then used the ecmspy function to reset the tps. I'll try setting it to 5.5, but I'm having issues getting the program to get live data from the ecm. I could change things on the bike, but it would not update the on screen tach or any guages or values.
I assume bike was running good prior? Or were their issues that made you perform the reset?

The bike was running okayish before. Idle was choppy, but it ran at about 1000 without issue. Occasionally would cut out when cruising in midrange.

Cold start enrichment is at 124.3%, and the plugs indicate that. The times that I was able to apply throttle without it dying, it blew a puff of something, probably unburnt fuel, out the intake. Again, once I can figure out the issue with editing values, I'll be able to change things.

I will be changing plugs and checking for intake leaks once it runs. Recently rebuilt the motor and did not change the intake seals, so that's also a possible contributing factor.
Well first sort out your Spy issues and get it to read live data. Take care of your tps issue.
Describe “okaying” and provide more details regarding “cut out when cruising in midrange”. Onc you get your bike to idle properly do the intake leak testing for leaks on your seals. I believe cold start enrichment will come down to 100% once your bike is fully warmed up. Normally you should never have to adjust this.
Your pops through the intake can be related to your tps issue not being set properly and also related to an intake leak. Take care of one issue at a time and let us know how it goes.
Well first sort out your Spy issues and get it to read live data. Take care of your tps issue.
Describe “okaying” and provide more details regarding “cut out when cruising in midrange”. Onc you get your bike to idle properly do the intake leak testing for leaks on your seals. I believe cold start enrichment will come down to 100% once your bike is fully warmed up. Normally you should never have to adjust this.
Your pops through the intake can be related to your tps issue not being set properly and also related to an intake leak. Take care of one issue at a time and let us know how it goes.

The okayish comment was in regards to a kind of sputtery power delivery. Low torque in low revs, and occasional backfire through the intake. The cutting out refers to surges in power while cruising. Not accelerating or decelerating, it would feel like it was cutting fuel slightly as it went. I'll figure out the live data issue tomorrow, and get my tps set correctly, then go from there. Thanks for all the advice, I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow.
So let me ask, are you able to see your tps value drop to zero in Spy? Or are you just backing it all the way out with no data at all?

Well that’s def your starting point. Fix that and get your tps set properly. Are you able to check your AFV value? I’m curious what it’s at with your filter on there, and in combo with your potential intake leak.
The surge sounds like your grounds may be loose. I just had this issue myself. Check all your grounds. I’d unscrew them and clean and reinstall nice and tight.
So let me ask, are you able to see your tps value drop to zero in Spy? Or are you just backing it all the way out with no data at all?

Well that’s def your starting point. Fix that and get your tps set properly. Are you able to check your AFV value? I’m curious what it’s at with your filter on there, and in combo with your potential intake leak.
The surge sounds like your grounds may be loose. I just had this issue myself. Check all your grounds. I’d unscrew them and clean and reinstall nice and tight.

I've heard of the grounding issue, I'll try that. I can't view any live data in spy right now, but when I first connected it, it did read live. the tps read 22 until I dropped it to zero, when it read for a while. May be a loose nut connected to the computer keyboard... I'll figure out the spy issue and go from there.
I've got the tps reset. Figured out my live data issue... It was just the little key button at the top left, the online/offline thing. Felt kinda dumb, being a computer guy.But it's happily idling at 1100 rpm. I need to order some new plugs and wires, change those out, and then figure out my grounding issues. I had a few codes that were all ground related, so I'll sort those out in time. Overall, it runs much better now. Thanks for the advice!
Nice. Glad you got it figured out. Check the grounds under your seat as their easy to check. I’ve had my battery cables rattle loose, as well as the ground to the left of the battery.
Still check for intake leaks. Do the testing. I have a hunch your power cuts while cruising is ground related. Just find the loose one.
After you get these fixed keep an eye on how she runs. If your power delivery is still sluggish keep an eye on your AFV. If it’s at 94% chances are during some operating conditions it could be dropping lower, possibly in the 80s which will def affect power delivery and feel extremely sluggish when trying to get on it.
Thanks, will do. It is quite sluggish when opening it up at low rpms. More sluggish than it should be at least.

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