I've bump started a time or two, but only with carbed bikes. For some reason, I was under the impression FI vehicles shouldn't be bump started. I'm not sure why I thought that. I'm going to apply some dielectric grease to the starter button innards this weekend, so no more starting worries.
I attempted to remove the muffler yesterday with no success. Took off the chin fairing, started unbolting the mounts, and the bolt closest to the brake lever on the rear mount is impossible to reach with any of my socket extensions. SO, I pulled off the front sprocket cover, removed the rear brake pedal, and finally unbolted the belt tensioner. I could not get the belt tensioner off no matter how much wiggling and prying I did. At that point I had spent much more time trying to get the exhaust can off than I anticipated... I bolted everything back up so I could ride to work today and ended up just re-tightening the rear kickstand bolt again.
I was able to get some bright LED lights installed, since my low beam was out. At least something productive got done.
I don't think I have a helicoil kit, but I do have a tap and die kit. I can try retapping the threads, but I have a feeling that wont help much, right? It would just make the threads straighter, not tighter.