So, I was driving my Uly around the driveway the other day, hit a patch of loose piled up dirt and down she went (right side if it makes a difference). She ran until I picked her back up and then she turned off. It's been a few days of trying to start her and troubleshooting but she is still doing the same thing. If I let her sit for a few hours I can turn the key and everything will come on. As soon as I try to start her everything shuts down and then one of the relays starts a high pitched buzzing. Looking at the relays from the front of the bike it is the relay on the upper left. I have switched that relays postitition and the buzzing relay remains in the upper left position. I have put the battery on an overnight trickle charge and still I get nothing. I have looked for exposed or broken wires in the bike that could be causing her to trip, I have found nothing. I have read that it could be the BAS. I have located it, but I don't exactly know how to check it. If that is the problem, it is obviously not resetting itself. Any suggestions on what to look for?