Last night it started getting dark so I flipped my brights on, a second later BAM- both low beam and high beam went out.
Checked the fuse, it seemed fine but I replaced it anyways- still no lights.
I noticed that there is an electronic ticking noise somewhere under the dash when I flip the brights switch off, and when the brights are off the bright indicator light has very dim light pulse that is in sync with the ticking.... wtf?
I will note that the previous owner did the HID mod- not sure if that adds any complexity to troubleshooting this.
Where should I start?
Checked the fuse, it seemed fine but I replaced it anyways- still no lights.
I noticed that there is an electronic ticking noise somewhere under the dash when I flip the brights switch off, and when the brights are off the bright indicator light has very dim light pulse that is in sync with the ticking.... wtf?
I will note that the previous owner did the HID mod- not sure if that adds any complexity to troubleshooting this.
Where should I start?