07 XB9R Runs rough, bogging under load

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I reset the AFV to 100% and put about 40 miles on it.

It still runs very strong under load and riding conditions but surges at idle and will stall occasionally. It also backfires coming to a stop and will stall if I don't keep the throttle cracked a little.

After riding AFV went up to 116% and the oxygen sensor was reading around .35V at idle with little change with throttle input.

I went out and bought a new bosch O2 sensor and put it in, reset AFV to 100% again and just rode 20 miles.

Came back and AFV is back at 112% and O2 values are staying very lean at .15-.25 at idle with the surging and backfiring.

I think I may do intake seals for the hell of it and retest it. It doesn't look bad to do per the manual.

Any tips?


So your AFV went from one extreme to the other with only the AFV being reset to 100? Are you sure you got the TPS reset done right? I'll walk you through it below

1.) Get bike up to operating temps
2.) What RPM's are you getting and what degree value are you seeing in ECMDroid? is it fluctuating in value at idle? Also read TPS voltage, is the value changing? Take note of it!
3.) Slightly loosen the two bolts holding the TPS to the intake manifold shaft and twist it clockwise while tightening the bolts back up.
4.) View the ECMDroid live TPS sensor data while backing out the idle adjustment screw, when values stop going down go one more full turn out.
5.) Now is the time to reset the TPS and AFV.
6.) Back the idle screw back in while viewing live data until degrees is in the "4.whatever" range.
7.) Start bike up and bring it up to full temp, adjust idle screw to get idle at 1000.
8.) Report back what degree value you now see and make note if the value is fluctuating at all, if it is try turning the idle screw a hair in either direction and see if it stabilizes.

Explain in detail the "surging" and "backfiring" you are experiencing, this is stationary? or low speed first gear just off idle? the backfire is exhaust or intake?

Thanks for the quick response!

I am pretty sure I did the TPS reset correctly but I will try to do the TPS reset again later today. What is "4.whatever" ??

The bike will be idling around 1100 and then slowly creep up to about 1500 and then quickly fall to around 800 and back or stall. This is both on the tach and in ECMDroid.

It backfires while stationary and while decel to a stop. Through the intake.

Edit: Right now the TPS stays at 5.3 at idle during all of the above events.

I am pretty sure I did the TPS reset correctly but I will try to do the TPS reset again later today. What is "4.whatever" ??

The bike will be idling around 1100 and then slowly creep up to about 1500 and then quickly fall to around 800 and back or stall. This is both on the tach and in ECMDroid.

It backfires while stationary and while decel to a stop. Through the intake.

Edit: Right now the TPS stays at 5.3 at idle during all of the above events.

"4.something" is degrees just like you are seeing 5.3, I agree you have the TPS set right if it is 5.3 for 1100RPM.

"TPS not fluctuating but RPMS are at idle, bike pulls better in upper RPM, O2 voltage lean condition at idle, backfiring through intake, and AFV adding fuel now." This all points to an intake leak.

First time rotation will probably take you around and hour and a half, once you do it and know exactly what you are in for it's a 30-40 min job. follow this link where I abbreviate what is needed to do the job and also provide the DIY engine rotation link http://www.buellxb.com/forum/showthread.php?53096-Broken-exhaust-like-all-of-it&p=585928&viewfull=1#post585928. Have a look through the DIY to familiarize with doing the job then reference my shortened list which will then make more sense. Doing it without rotation, while possible looks like a major PITA! Better to get the engine down where you have a better chance of getting the job done right! If Twinmotorcycles still rotate the engine for intake gaskets, that says something right there IMO.:up:

The saga continues.

Did the intake seals, reset tps and afv again and still doing the exact same thing.

Rode about 20 miles and afv is back at 116 and oxygen sensor voltage is still staying on the low side.

Fluctuating idle and stalling.

Runs great under load.

Backfires out intake during decel, stalls as you come to a stop if you don't play with the throttle
Are you reseting TPS when engine is warm? I have an 07 12r and I found if I reset when cold it doesn't take. That is just my bike. I do it when engine is warm or at op temp. When my bike was stock I would set TPS to 5.5 degrees and afv at 100 then ride to bring it in. Then when engine is at op temp pull over somewhere and set idle to 1000 and continue to ride at the least 50 miles.
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been casually following this thread. as i understand it you've rotated the motor from the frame to replace gaskets....installed new parts...the bike was dropped on right side so you disassembled the right hand portion of the motor assembly....you've had the fuel pump removed from the frame to replace fuel level sensor. that is admirable and i commend you for your own wrenching abilities BUT....have you checked your work? by that i mean are all the wires atop the motor correctly reassembled to the correct harness plugs? your CPS unit is behind the cam bullet cover. is that harness pinched in any way? did your CPS have what appears to be black goop oozing from it when you visually observed it during your repairs? is the ecm compromised or cracked or having issues at the plug end in any way? were there any chafed or frayed wires on the fuel pump assembly when you removed it from frame? is the fuel pump wire harness pinched or nicked?
your thread originally commenced with "runs kind of ok" along with backfiring thru the intake horn. that in itself lends me to believe something askew with your reassembly.
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I am very impressed with all the board members trouble shooting skills on this thread, That XB in in the best hands. :applause:
I'm with lunatic. Also thinking if you disassemble the cam cover, did you set the static timing after you reassembled everything?
Honestly your issue sounds like a timing issue but bad electrical connections have caused more drama then what you're dealing with.
Have you checked the connectors behind the pulley cover?
Good luck man

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