08 Fuel tables...can they be modified to include more data points?

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
The top 2 rows are 255...is there a program to change 1 to say 225? Also the first 4 columns are nothing but zeroes. Can they be labeled as rpms instead of just 0? Maybe the firmware (BUE2D) isnt set up to include these...dunno.
If you're asking that, you should probably do more research on how to use TunerPro before attempting any changes.

Your question doesn't make too much sense. There is no file to load to make that change. You need to use your .bin with the appropriate .xdf file, then find the axis tables and change them.
Dude - White Russian for me:
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I used to race cars like, 10 years ago. I just bought a new race car so what do these pedal thingies do again?

Sorry dodge, but I think you've worn out the patience of a very smart and helpful guy on this board with your question tourettes. May I suggest you research your questions before asking, they are easy to find and been posted many times.

AZ is right, since you don't grasp the very basics I would also recommend not messing with the ECM any further until you do. Good luck buddy.
Cut dodge some slack, he started this project learning/using MONO. You can't just jump into another tuning software program and already know how to use it just because you learn a different one.

Dodge, download the user guide for TunerProRT here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3tFbOA1MjYSX3JQQjdfM1VWTE0

The file types needed (ADX - XDF) and driver is also there to download and get you up and running.:up:
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has nothing to do with dodge at all. it's this endless keyboard barrage of ecm jibberish that's so exhausting for all of us. when i see these threads it always conjures up visions in my mind of someone hoping and/or believing there's 95 more HP hidden within the ecm.

having said that i sense yet another "ahhhhhh...shut your piehole john ya old bastard!"
You're a sweetheart lowkey:angel:, and I'm sure dodge is a good guy. I'm happy he's learning a brand new skill.

IMHO, He should read the user guide before asking questions that are answered in it. Asking for clarity is normal. He's asking where you put the gas in, so he got a little ribbing.

Sorry dodge, you gotta have a little tolerance around here sometimes. In hindsight, I guess I do too.

Edit: To Lunatics point, No that it matters, but I don't know why he needs a fully custom tune? Did he build a Buell powered something with a turbo and 1250 kit, cams, etc? Does he have a dyno and dual wideband O2 set-up? Guess I missed that cool stuff.

I hope it isn't because a stock bike runs a little funny. Lately everyone's first reaction is to buy a Buelltooth and gut the program out of the ECM? What happened to diagnostics!?!
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has nothing to do with dodge at all. it's this endless keyboard barrage of ecm jibberish that's so exhausting for all of us. when i see these threads it always conjures up visions in my mind of someone hoping and/or believing there's 95 more HP hidden within the ecm.

Why even look at a thread knowing full well it's going to be about tuning the ECM then?

You're a sweetheart lowkey:angel:, and I'm sure dodge is a good guy. I'm happy he's learning a brand new skill.

IMHO, He should read the user guide before asking questions that are answered in it. Asking for clarity is normal. He's asking where you put the gas in, so he got a little ribbing.

Sorry dodge, you gotta have a little tolerance around here sometimes. In hindsight, I guess I do too.

Edit: To Lunatics point, No that it matters, but I don't know why he needs a fully custom tune? Did he build a Buell powered something with a turbo and 1250 kit, cams, etc? Does he have a dyno and dual wideband O2 set-up? Guess I missed that cool stuff.

I hope it isn't because a stock bike runs a little funny. Lately everyone's first reaction is to buy a Buelltooth and gut the program out of the ECM? What happened to diagnostics!?!

Actually he does have a dual WB setup and he wants to do it "right" so what is the problem? What all did you do to your bike to warrant dual WB's? Geez let the guy do as he wants. He gains points in my book as he bought the WB's and ECMSpy MONO, now has been told to move to TunerProRT for the next stage of ECM modification and is attempting to without protest. How many of these noobs trying to flash a .txt with ECMDroid are willing and capable to dive in to it this far? You have to remember TunerPro is the most advanced software we have a available and the learning curve is very steep, also good luck just finding that user guide that I offered up everywhere like the ECMSpy one is.

I for sure get it Cooter, these (2 post) noobs think flashing a map is going to either gain them 50HP or fix all the neglected running issues with their bike but there are two types asking for help and Dodge doesn't fall into that category IMO.:love_heart:
If you're asking that, you should probably do more research on how to use TunerPro before attempting any changes.

No offense Dodge but I agree with this ^^^^^^^^^^


“Maybe I didn’t go to some fancy-pants Ivy League med school, and maybe I didn’t go to some other med school, even the one down in Grenada which was my fall-back, but whatever! That doesn’t give you the right to bully me!”
How many of these noobs trying to flash a .txt with ECMDroid are willing and capable to dive in to it this far?

LOL, you literally just asked me how to do this like 2 weeks ago, and you still didn't listen to my advise.

Also, as far as Dodge asking these questions, I don't think anyone would have attacked him like we did, if he didn't question the .bin file. If he had looked into how to use TunerPro at all he would have known. It's just a bit frustrating when you tell someone exactly how to do something and they don't put in the effort to do it.

One more thing is that changing the RPM axis' isn't diving into tuning far at all. In fact you really wont notice a difference doing it, do you really think Buell would leave out cells that could improve driveability if it actually made a difference.

As you all probably know, I am always happy to answer questions. I'm not someone who hoards information. Don't let this thread stop you asking questions in the future, but maybe try using the information given before asking more questions.
Yeah, I used this FAST wideband meter/controller to remap my 07 XB12S and am now going to do my stock 08 XB9SX. Yes, I should let google be my friend more often I suppose. Have zero experience using this Tunerpro RT..but I bet I learn it. Just looking briefly at it-appears to do more than either ESpy or Ecmdroid. Maybe I'm off here though.

thanks guys!
If they think your going down a bad or dangerous path, they'll jump on you to maybe try and save you, it's good that your inquisitive but they don't want you to screw up you bike so, they're not always exactly nice when warning someone. I've screwed up a couple of times on statements I've made but, it wasn't something that could screw up a bike so they were a bit nicer about it or it's because I'm old and they had pity on the old guy.

In the end they're just trying to make sure that you know what your doing before hand.

Good luck with learning this computer tech stuff because it's important, most of us old guys are useless when it comes to this so, persevere and just try and take some of this with a grain of salt, they all mean well !