08 Fuel tables...can they be modified to include more data points?

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LOL, you literally just asked me how to do this like 2 weeks ago, and you still didn't listen to my advise.

What are you on about? Are you referring to when I asked if you had the file converter application from Mikes old site? Never have I tried to flash an incompatible file with any tuning software... what "advice" did I not listen to exactly? I already had the work around for converting the files and just ran the idea past you. Sure I could have done it through tunerpro as you suggested but I had already accomplished the same thing through the bike by the time you replied... also I was doing all that to HELP a forum member out, no need for me to do it that way as I use ECMSpy. I just like to learn the process and if possible convert all the old .txt files to .xpr for our forum members.

Full transparency these are the PM's in question, to me this looks like one knowledgeable ECM person asking another knowledgeable ECM person some questions and bouncing an idea off the other.
lowkey said:
Hey Cole, I've got a couple questions for you about ECMDroid.

1.) I've yet to see a .xpr race map in the wild but people are saying they are flashing "race maps" with the program, all files I have or seen shared are .msq for the maps and .txt or .rtd for full EEPROM's

2.) I only see the option in ECMDroid for flashing a full EEPROM, no option for maps. So how is it possible to merge the stock non-race EEPROM data and race maps using only ECMDroid? I only know of doing this procedure with ECMSpy or TunerPro. As it has been long running knowledge you cant just flash the Race EEPROM to a non-race ECM right?

3.) In a thread where someone was asking how to change a .txt EEPROM to .XPR you stated to load the .txt in ECMSpy and save the file as an .XPR. The only option for saving files for me is .txt for EEPROM and .msq for maps on version 1.12.27

I offered a race map to a forum member but it will be useless to him in the formats I have because all he has is ECMDroid. I was going to convert it for him and try it on my bike before I send it to him.

Any help/knowledge on this is greatly appreciated!

lowkey said:
Oh hey I had and idea, can I take the stock EEPROM .txt file and load it in ECMSpy then load the race map .msq files over that and save the EEPROM to make him a modified map, then load it to my bike and save the EEPROM in ECMDroid which would be the right .xpr file to work for him?

I've tried to turn business your way on this forum and generally back you but really? I have no problem with ANYONE on this forum and don't worry, I won't step on your toes as the buellxb.com ECM GURU.... man I offered all my files and programs I've gathered in the past years in the effort to help you out even offered to locate anything you may be missing...
Speaking of files.. I've created a new eprom for the stock 08 XB9SX. Without logging data etc. Runs, idles and even gets way better mpg than before. PM if anyone wants this file.
Hey dodge, good job! but are you sure it's a new eeprom? By my definition, that includes the firmware(the way H-D does it) and can be flashed onto any ECM, thereby updating the firmware to whats on your eeprom program. I really hope thats what you've done, we could use that ability.

Please post the dyno charts, I love to see the AFR through the RPM range:up:!
Speaking of files.. I've created a new eprom for the stock 08 XB9SX. Without logging data etc. Runs, idles and even gets way better mpg than before. PM if anyone wants this file.

Nice dodge! You made the changes based off of the WB values or not yet? What AFR's were you seeing in open loop and WOT on the stock maps? You going to be running it through Megalog with the WB values or just make adjustments on your own based off AFR's?
By my definition, that includes the firmware(the way H-D does it) and can be flashed onto any ECM, thereby updating the firmware to whats on your eeprom program. I really hope thats what you've done, we could use that ability.

Please post the dyno charts, I love to see the AFR through the RPM range!

Mike made software to do exactly this, I can send it to you if you want to be the Guiana pig!!!:black_eyed:

No need to see AFR's from a dyno, I'd much rather see what is recorded from a pull by the WB's he installed. Tail pipe WB can be off by more than a full point and we couldn't see front from rear values.
No dyno lol. The bungs are being welded into place hopefully this evening. The eprom (maps..) is for the BUE2D firmware. I simply added 5% fuel and 10% ig advance across the complete maps. Running open loop.. Idle are had a tad more fuel and advance. Will be interesting to see what afrs are with the meter.
Dodge, I have the column and row generator tool made by Gemini if you wan't to make use of those empty columns and rows. PM me if you want it.
Geez lowkey, didn't mean any offense by my comment... Was just pointing out that recently you were asking me how to do what you described a noob thing to do. Not that you did it, but that you were asking how.

Anyways... I'll flash a different firmware on one of my spare ecms with that software if you want. I know he had this ability, but if you found this on his site, I could very well see it being a ****y trap. Also, pretty sure you will need a special cable to flash the full eeprom
Mike made software to do exactly this, I can send it to you if you want to be the Guiana pig!!!


That would be a game changer for map swappers and tuners, and exactly why I have some extra ECM's:) Will DDFI-2 or DDFI-3 matter it the firmware doesn't matter with the whole eeprom flash? The older ECM's don't have the same resolution, so does it just eliminate the extra info?

AZMidget: You can change firmware? Sweet! That's way better than $50 a pop and a PITA to go to Harley...
And what do you mean "****y trap" on Mikes site!?? Would that guy really screw over fellow Buellers and represent a link as something it's not? And purposely cause damage?! I really hope that's not what you mean:down:

dodge: That seems like a whole lot of timing advance for pump fuel, any detonation issues, like when it's hot? I'm not sure you'd even hear them on a Buell with any aftermarket exhaust, haha. Are the plugs blown to crap?
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No dyno lol. The bungs are being welded into place hopefully this evening. The eprom (maps..) is for the BUE2D firmware. I simply added 5% fuel and 10% ig advance across the complete maps. Running open loop.. Idle are had a tad more fuel and advance. Will be interesting to see what afrs are with the meter.

Well, dang! Good on you! :up:

That would be a game changer for map swappers and tuners, and exactly why I have some extra ECM's:) Will DDFI-2 or DDFI-3 matter it the firmware doesn't matter with the whole eeprom flash? The older ECM's don't have the same resolution, so does it just eliminate the extra info?

AZMidget: You can change firmware? Sweet! That's way better than $50 a pop and a PITA to go to Harley...
And what do you mean "****y trap" on Mikes site!?? Would that guy really screw over fellow Buellers and represent a link as something it's not? And purposely cause damage?! I really hope that's not what you mean:down:

dodge: That seems like a whole lot of timing advance for pump fuel, any detonation issues, like when it's hot? I'm not sure you'd even hear them on a Buell with any aftermarket exhaust, haha. Are the plugs blown to crap?

No, I was offering to be the guinea pig.

I whole heartedly believe he would do that.

He did give me some hints towards how to do it, but that was towards the end when I started to question everything he was telling me.
HBy my definition, that includes the firmware(the way H-D does it) and can be flashed onto any ECM, thereby updating the firmware to whats on your eeprom program.

EEPROM data does not contain firmware, just the parametrization.
It must be an issue with definitions.

I understand the hierarchy to be EEPROM (the whole dang chip...firmware and absolutely everything), that contains the .txt extension (that the parameterization is included in), then the use definition files to extract and modify the fuel map area.

Wd then modify that fuel map area, burn into the .txt, then reinstall the .txt into the EEPROM.

Nice dodge! You made the changes based off of the WB values or not yet? What AFR's were you seeing in open loop and WOT on the stock maps? You going to be running it through Megalog with the WB values or just make adjustments on your own based off AFR's?

i'm cooking bacon for the queen bee right now.
Well thanks to some guidance from Mr. lowkey,(via Tunerpro RT) the ecm now has several more fuel table cells. TPS points are from 255 to 6; rpm points range from 800 to 8000. The column/row generator excel spreadsheet from developed by Mike (xoptimized) came in real handy. Seems to idle better than before with the added cells. Will try and connect the WB meter/controller tomorrow and log some data. Be interesting to see what the AFRs are for sure.