09 CR runs great, no problems but battery light is coming on now

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May 13, 2014
ive only put a couple hundred miles on it {gimme a break I just got it a few days ago} havent plugged it in or anything...was sitting at a construction road block and the battery light came on, strarted riding....it went off. happened once more that day and havent noticed it since then...although its only been a couple hours. planning a 2500 plus mile trip and want stuff to be right and tight....any suggestions? or what to look at? i know clutch weep was fixed....unsure about stator
I'm no 1125 expert but from what I've read it sounds like the stator. If it is the stator I believe your voltage regulator will be on it's way out next.
Don't take my word for it though. I'm an xb guy.
Hopefully someone with knowledge of how to test your charging system will chime in.
Good luck
Bought it from a guy in Jersey, private sale. Had just under 10k on it...now it has just over and I love the bike....just don't want it to take a **** far from home
After checking for the HD bandaid that Cosworth gave you a link to, start with checking battery terminals to make sure they are tight, they can loosen with vibration. Then check grounds if they are clean and tight. If all checks good, get a multimeter and verify that stator is outputting 45-55 volts AC, repeat, AC Voltage. If that checks good, inspect the connector terminals for corrosion. Then we can go on to check the VR.
I got the same problem. I just changed the stator, the regulator and the battery... I drill the rotor for a better oil circulation. But when i get stock in trafic, bike get hot voltage go down and the battery light go on when idle! Don't know what to do next??? Some body have any ideal?
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instead of changing a bunch of parts, perform the tests posted above. You could have just spent a bunch of money for something simple to fix. Go to buellmods.com and download the service manual and the electrical manual for free and perform the diagnostics.
After my stator burnded a change everything; stator, regulator and battery. but still have the light on when the bike was hot and iUndo the Harley fix! it worked for me. Now no more battery light on and 13V+.
After my stator burnded a change everything; stator, regulator and battery. but still have the light on when the bike was hot and iUndo the Harley fix! it worked for me. Now no more battery light on and 13V+.

Did yo do the new parts fix or just replace it with same new parts?
If you just replaced the stock parts keep your eye on it. The stator likes to overheat. Here's why:

The stock VR os a 'shunt type' which means the stator is trying to charge 100%...100% of the time, and the extra electricity that it is working hard to make is just 'shunted' to ground. That makes the stator very hot. Changing the voltage regulator to a 'MOSFET' style helps because it only lets the stator charge as much as the electrical system needs, instead of 100% maxed out all the time. Those VR's are physically larger, but will fit in the stock location (barely). The best is to mount it where there's good airflow.

The 'Harley fix', is an add on harness in-line with the 3-leg stator output. It bypasses one of there stator legs to keep the stator cooler, but that also reduces the charging capacity of the whole charging system by 1/3. Thanks Harley for the 'fix'.

Drilling the rotor (or buying a drilled one) allows oil under pressure to cool the stator better[up]

Buying or making a stator with higher temperature capacity wire also helps the system charge well without overheating[up]

IMO, if you can only do one thing... the VR upgrade without the harley fix is the best option.

2500 miles on a CR! "and the 'Iron Taint 2015 award goes too..."

I'm jelly, have fun!
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