If you just replaced the stock parts keep your eye on it. The stator likes to overheat. Here's why:
The stock VR os a 'shunt type' which means the stator is trying to charge 100%...100% of the time, and the extra electricity that it is working hard to make is just 'shunted' to ground. That makes the stator very hot. Changing the voltage regulator to a 'MOSFET' style helps because it only lets the stator charge as much as the electrical system needs, instead of 100% maxed out all the time. Those VR's are physically larger, but will fit in the stock location (barely). The best is to mount it where there's good airflow.
The 'Harley fix', is an add on harness in-line with the 3-leg stator output. It bypasses one of there stator legs to keep the stator cooler, but that also reduces the charging capacity of the whole charging system by 1/3. Thanks Harley for the 'fix'.
Drilling the rotor (or buying a drilled one) allows oil under pressure to cool the stator better[up]
Buying or making a stator with higher temperature capacity wire also helps the system charge well without overheating[up]
IMO, if you can only do one thing... the VR upgrade without the harley fix is the best option.
2500 miles on a CR! "and the 'Iron Taint 2015 award goes too..."
I'm jelly, have fun!