1125 parts for sale

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some pics of wrecked bike
EBR ECM $305 stock price/ asking $250 obo.
Drivebelt for 1125R $182.00 stock price/ asking $150 obo-(still new, only 200 miles on it)
CarbonFiber Front Fender $230 stock price/ asking $200 obo
CarbonFiber Rear Tire Hugger/Fender $175 stock price/ asking $150 obo
K&N airfilter 1125 $54 stock price/ asking $40 obo

These are merely guidelines on the prices. PM me or email me [email protected] and if you are truely interested, we can work something out. Thank you all. ML
Ohlins steering damper $495 stock price/ Asking $400 obo.
Instrument Cluster $275 stock price/ Asking $225 obo

I need to get all these parts together and get some pics.

I have the complete CarbonFiber kit/ panels for the CR available for the right price. Its over $2500 from AmericanSportBike.com if you want to check it out. I will take the first reasonable offer. Im gonna trade my bike in and I don't think they will pay me extra above the 'trade-in value'.
I have the voltage regulator from 2008 1125R, belt pulley, drivebelt for an 1125R, instrument cluster off my 09 CR (new-bought 09-11-2012 and replaced with a used one from buddy), front and rear carbonfiber fenders, ohlins steering damper, red and black plactic fairings for CR, COMPLETE carbonfiber fairings for a CR, EBRacing ECM for 1125R, Buell Lithium battery, EBRacing LED taillight, and K&N airfilter. I think thats it. Let me know. ML

Do you have the stator? I'm also interested in the exhaust if its available.
Also do you still have that XB tail section with the seat and that lil carbon-fiber lid?

Sorry Dre, those parts remained on bike when wrecker picked up bike,sorry. The XB tail sold a while back and was a VERY quick sell. Sorry on that too. ML
Actually, after wreck, I limped it to buddies shop, taped it up and rode it home. 65 miles and took about 2 hours. Bike was stuck in 3rd gear and only able to run about 35-40mph
I still have the red tank cover, 1125r drivebelt, belt pulley, EBR ECM for 1125r, voltage regulator, right and left black pod radiator covers, intrument cluster, lithium battery, steering damper, and carbonfiber fenders front and rear. Let me know what you need. if i got it, its yours. [email protected]
I still have the tailsection and passenger seat pod as well. I had a guy looking at them but no $$$ has changed hands yet.

I still have LOTS of parts left. LOTS of interested people but no money is being sent to my paypal account. If you see something you need, let me know ASAP so I can get you my paypal account info, box it up and send it to ya. I will consider a 'bulk package' of parts if we can agree on a decent price. Let me know. Thanks.

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