2 riders killed in hit and run. WI

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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
I knew the one guy but not very good. But the fact that this piece of **** is still out there just I have no words for what it does to me. They are widening the search so I figured I would help get the word out
Oh man, I saw that on the news (I'm in Madison) sorry for the loss of your friend. It's beyond tragic. They'll catch the driver for sure.
Shared on FB, I suggest others do the same.

Get the word out there, it won't take long for someone with a conscience to recognize and turn this ******* in.
Thanks guys I'm really starting worry but I have hope they find that poor excuse for a person
I can't imagine being in his parents shoes and turning your child in but kudos to them for doing the right thing. It's a shame 2 bikers lost their lives because of this. Ride safe everyone.
Yeah its something else... some one told me there is video of him stopping down the road at a gas station or strip club getting out looking at the damage and getting in taking off.
And that piece of **** is friends with mitchs brother on fb. And a whole bunch of other people in the same circle
He knew fully what he did. I hope he burns
"I don't know what I hit mom. That's why I don't stop."

HORSE ****! ****, this makes me mad. Was he sleeping? Drunk? Stoned? How the hell do you not know that you just ran two motorcycles over?