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Buellxb Forum

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Jeez jl551c, you gotta have some skills somewhere[confused]. But I guess when all else fails..we still have are lightnings:D. Dammit there goes another one!
I'm probably the worst kind of forum member, I read a lot but I'm not much of a poster... I promised I'd do a more formal intro when I start pulling my bike back together. This is the best site for getting information on and moding your Buell.
I'm probably the worst kind of forum member, I read a lot but I'm not much of a poster... I promised I'd do a more formal intro when I start pulling my bike back together. This is the best site for getting information on and moding your Buell.

It sure is and after reading most threads it'll leave you with a good feeling of comraderie for us Buell riding madmen.
New members FTW!!!
Speak for yourself. I've been here 3 years. I just have this crazy skill that escapes most on the internet. See, when I have a problem with the Buell, or I want to do something to the Buell, I look at the top of any page, and on the left is a hyper button marked "search". I click said button and another window opens asking me what it is that I would like to know. I simple fill in the options, select a few things, click and viola. No real need to ask a question that's been asked 3546789876567 times.
I suppose I could go for 13 posts............

Heres my 05 with a sTT/Uly swingarm.
Soon to come...........pro-tapers; on an R!
I don't know what my post count is, but i'm mostly a lurker :)

Often times it is better to keep my personal opinions to myself.
In the quest to 200 posts.
I am relaxing, and having a beer. Nice rainy WI weather here, and the bike is in pieces, so I am going nowhere.
jl551c: Thanks
rah7777777: How are ya? One of your fine products will be on the back of my bike in the near future. Tell Kevyn I'm still not a Packer fan!
In the quest to 200 posts.
I am relaxing, and having a beer. Nice rainy WI weather here, and the bike is in pieces, so I am going nowhere.
jl551c: Thanks

gunut75, I'm having a beer myself. I'm out of town on business in rainy Florida. Back in California I just moved into a major fixer-upper and had to tear down the garage. So, being garage-less I'm drooling over your bike on a stand with tools all over the place. My bikes are stuffed into 2 sheds with no hope of getting into the fun stuff of working on anything.
no idea what my post count is so I'll chime in, I've been here a while and I usually just read what everyone else has said