2006 xb12ss stalling at cruising sped

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Oct 1, 2016
As stated in the title, my xb12ss stalls.
The exact symptom is this:
It starts and idles fine. Revs fine in neutral. Once going, it quits running. Power stays on. Not sure if it's fuel or ignition cutting out. I flip the kill switch (kill then back to run) and it comes back to life. It runs for a while, then stalls again. It does it when the throttle is in a position for a constant speed. Doesn't really matter which gear or rpm. I've checked the stator output, it's fine. Just replaced the TPS and checked resistance. Replaced plugs and checked the coils. This work was all done after the symptoms started. I reset the tps and remapped the ecm after the problem started. Nothing has changed. I'm losing my patience with this bike. Any useful input, or anyone else experiencing a similar issue?
more explanation needed as follows:
1-bike starts....idles fine....HOW FAR do you travel before it shuts down?
2-during shut-down does the gauge cluster also die?
3-clearly you are able to access the ecm as per your "remap" remark. have you checked with your ecm access program for any stored fault codes?
4-you are experiencing a fuel system shut-down plain and simple. either pump or relay related.
fill in the above blanks and i'll do my best to give you potential gremlins.
It was doing it at different intervals. The gauge cluster was still working. I feel pretty stupid. I figured it out. I was just flipping my kill switch when it would cut out. The light finally went on in my head. I checked the wires and contacts on my kill switch. The contact points were slightly corroded. The wires were fine. I cleaned the contact points and took it out again. No problems. Leads me to think the kill switch was the issue. I feel so stupid
So, I own a 355F1 that has the antenna wire running down the center of the glass. I walked into the garage one morning and saw that there was a silvery line down the center of the window and I was sure it split in half by magic. The window was 4k and the rubber surround was "call for price
" and that isn't good. After posting about it, imagine my surprise when I got home and saw that the split went away when the LEDs were turned off.
Hey Jedunaway.
Thank you for a concise explanation of the symptoms and a brief history of the bike. I glad you found the problem, but all that info is very useful to us people behind your computer screen. Well done:up:
It was doing it at different intervals. The gauge cluster was still working. I feel pretty stupid. I figured it out. I was just flipping my kill switch when it would cut out. The light finally went on in my head. I checked the wires and contacts on my kill switch. The contact points were slightly corroded. The wires were fine. I cleaned the contact points and took it out again. No problems. Leads me to think the kill switch was the issue. I feel so stupid
and as i initially explained and diagnosed to you....by flipping the red-run switch.....you were deactivating and reactivating the fuel delivery system which the heart of is the fuel pump. hence your "fuel delivery issue" that i mentioned.
Thanks lunaticfringe. I hate electrical gremlins. I was almost to the point of checking the complete harness. I couldn't get the bike to replicate the problem in the garage. It had no error codes showing. I checked fuses, grounds and continuity of what i had exposed on the harness. I'm so relieved it finally clicked in my head. I've read quite a few of the topics on the forum, but haven't posted much. I appreciate all the insight guys
Thanks lunaticfringe. I hate electrical gremlins. I was almost to the point of checking the complete harness. I couldn't get the bike to replicate the problem in the garage. It had no error codes showing. I checked fuses, grounds and continuity of what i had exposed on the harness. I'm so relieved it finally clicked in my head. I've read quite a few of the topics on the forum, but haven't posted much. I appreciate all the insight guys
yes sir always my pleasure. there's quite alot going on inside each handlebar switchgear housing. though tedious it is good preventive maintenance to disassemble each one every few years and spray a bit of kano kroil or something similar inside each housing.
It's always gratifying to finally end up diagnosing the problem on your own. I ended up doing the same thing when my Ully died however, I would not have been able to fix the problem without the good information posted up here by our Buell Angels!
Do yourself some favors, above all get some more patience, always try to do a search for the problem, if that fails, DO NOT start throwing $ at the problem, make a good list of the symptoms and then post it up here and stay tuned in, they'll start helping you as soon a they see it, and like you did, always post up the end results.

Good job !

P.S. Never feel stupid about not finding the problem right away whether or not it was a simple problem or not.
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