2007 xb12r question

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May 28, 2015
Hello My xb12r's oil light comes on before the engine starts when I turn the key to the start position. It goes away when I start the engine. Sometimes it idles fine, and other times it chokes a little bit and drops a couple hundred rpms, but never dies. I also heard a minor knocking noise from the engine a couple of times.

any suggestions? I am going to change the oil soon and hopefully that fixes it. Waiting on the filter in the mail...

Thank you
Oil light on before start is normal - there's no oil pressure! You may need to reset the tps or raise the idle just a touch. Then of course, there's always plugs you can check and run some cleaner through (some guys like seafoam). May try some 2 stroke mix in with the fuel.
the light is for low oil pressure. anything below approx. 8psi will turn it on. it is NOT oil temp or dirt or low level light. just pressure. what sirius said above. very dirty oil will sometimes temporarily clog the port on the sending unit. if an oil and filter change does not resolve it change the sending switch. it is at the oil filter/pump area.
yea I realize that now haha I am kind of a hypochondriac with vehicles (because I don't have much in depth knowledge of them) and casual motorcycle rider... had it in storage for a bit and hadn't ridden it in a while and forgot it was normal.

Please forgive my ignorance, but may I ask what a tps is? Is it throttle power setting? if so how do I adjust it? Also how do I check the plugs? Can I buy 2 stroke mix at an automotive store?

Thank you for your response man, I feel embarrassed as a man to have to ask these questions but yea..... lucky you don't know me haha, Although I kinda wish I was your friend so you could make sure my buell makes it into its golden years... I am not a rich man.... but I would offer you some chickens... or perhaps the right to marry my future daughter.

Thanks for your reply. If from what I gather from Sirius is correct, the oil light isn't an issue yea?

Which would make my only issue be with the slight (inconsistent) choking at idle, and perhaps the slight knocking I hear... but I haven't ridden the bike in so long that I might not be used to the engine noise, and making a fuss over something that is normal... after all I thought the oil light turning on before engine start was a bad thing haha
Welcome to the forum! Lol, no worries! TPS is the throttle position sensor. It tells the computer (ECM) how far the throttle grip is twisted, so it can calculate the correct amount of fuel needed . TPS Reset is the process of recalibrating the "no throttle"/closed position. It is often the first suggested course of action when a bike is misbehaving.

For your 2007 model, there is an idle adjustment screw. Using software such as Tunerpro RT or ECMSpy for Mono and a data link cable/bluetooth module, you connect to the ECM, turn the idle adjustment screw with the throttle fully closed until a reading of 5.2° - 5.6° is achieved, and then send a "TPS Reset" command in the software. Then adjust the idle speed to 1050-1150 RPM with a warm engine.

I make and sell professional datalink cables (and Bluetooth hopefully by next week), if I can be of service. The cable comes with detailed instructions on doing the common maintenance procedures.
https://readyxb.wordpress.com/ , or ebay "readyxb".